Name Numerology Calculator
Find Lucky Number For Business

A Name Numerology Calculator helps you know about various aspects of your life such as career, finances, family, love relationships and personal life. Use our Name Numerology calculator to calculate your name numerology. Also, you can use it as a Business Name Numerology calculator to know which name suits your business and can attract good luck and prosperity.

It helps you know about your magical numbers, hidden abilities and personality traits. It also helps you know about the challenges in your life. The numerology for numbers is based on the name and date of birth. So you can unleash your hidden talent and also discover the numbers that hold your future, through Numerology Calculator.

Chaldean Name Numerology Calculator

Calculate your Numerology

What is Name Numerology?

In numerology, each alphabet of your name has unique vibrations or energies. These energies affect your professional, personal, and love life. So, a Name Numerology Calculator helps you calculate your name numerology and gives you information about your qualities, strengths, weaknesses, and what career you should choose.

Calculating Name Numerology by Chaldean Name Numerology

Our Name Numerology calculator uses the Chaldean name numerology system. In which each alphabet is given a number from 1 to 8. However, number 9 is not used in this calculator. So, let’s see how name number is calculated by Chaldean name numerology.

Step 1: Let’s suppose a person with the name: Ravi Mishra. Now, give all the alphabet a number.
R: 2 A: 1 V: 6 I: 1     M: 4 I: 1 S: 3 H: 5 R: 2 A: 1

Step 2: Add them together R+A+V+I+M+I+S+H+R+A 2+1+6+1+4+1+3+5+2+1 = 26 So, 26 is the Compound Number for the given name.

Step 3: Add further till you get one single digit. That will be your name number. 2+6 = 8 Thus, the name numerology for Ravi Mishra is 8. Now, let’s see the meaning of each number in Name Numerology.

Compound Number

In numerology, compound numbers are multi-digit numbers. These numbers are obtained by Name numerology calculators or Business name numerology calculators. Then they are reduced to single digits to tell you about your life path, career, business, or love life.

It represents characteristics, difficulties, and chances people might face in their lifetimes. Destiny numbers offer insights into one's strengths, weaknesses, and optimal paths for personal growth and fulfillment, serving as a guiding principle in understanding the overarching themes and direction of one's life journey

Chaldean Name Numerology

As mentioned above, chaldean name numerology is used to calculate name numerology. As it follows the principles of Vedic Numerology or Ank Jyotish. As per Vedic Numerology, each letter has a unique vibration or energy. Also, it gives the most accurate calculation. In chaldean name numerology, each alphabet is given a number from 1 to 8. The below table shows the alphabets and the numbers they are given.

It represents their self-perception and the image they present to the outside world. Personality numbers provide information about social interactions, behavioral tendencies, and communication styles.

Chaldean Numbers Table

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Frequently Asked Question Related to Name Numerology Calculator

How do I calculate my name numerology?

To calculate your Name Numerology, use your full name. Assign a number to each alphabet of your name as per the Chaldean name numerology table. Add all digits till you get one single digit.

Which numbers are lucky as per numerology?

In numerology, master numbers are considered very lucky. These numbers include 11, 22, and 33. These numbers are considered very powerful in Numerology and Name Numerology.

How to calculate business name numerology?

You can use the Chaldean name numerology method to find a lucky name for your company. Assign each digit a number and do the sum of all digits until you get a single digit. Then learn about the meaning of this number. Then you’ll find if your business name numerology is good or not.