Bhagavad Gita Quotes on Love

4 July 2024 | vedic-learnings

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This is How Bhagavad Gita’s quote on Love Helps

Falling in love is easy but maintaining it for a lifetime is a hard task. Most of you will agree with the quote. When we fall in love, we desire adventures, promises, and a happy ending. But the truth is that life is a roller-coaster with many ups and downs. Many people have issues in their relationship and often they reach out to counselors for remedies. But what if you can find remedies by yourself? Yes, you can, by Bhagavad Gita quotes on love. In this article, the Bhagavad Gita’s teachings will help you deal with love issues.

Know what is love through the Bhagavad Gita

Ask your partner do you love me. The answer will be yes. But why is our love losing its shine? The answer will be silent. Yes, when we search for love, we get it, but we are not able to preserve it. Do you know what is the reason behind it? Because we don’t know the way of love. Yes, exactly the solution you have been looking for. There is only one person in the world who has shown the meaning of true love. Yes, he is almighty and supreme God Krishna Ji. Today in this article we will see some of the best Bhagavad Gita quotes on love.

Some quotes on love based on the Bhagavad Gita

Life’s essence is love and the divine energy that sustains all beings.

जीवन का सार प्रेम और दिव्य ऊर्जा है जो सभी प्राणियों को जीवित रखती है। What is life ? Life is not just about being born but also about living life to the fullest. The biggest gift in life is love. Yes, love for the family, parents and, of course, the life partner. Love is like energy due to which everyone is born and lives. We work hard for anything because of our love for our family. If we fall in love, then we are born again. So, according to Krishna Ji, a person who is in love will do anything to maintain it.

If a man and woman love each other truly, but if family is against their marriage , then it is known as Dharma.

अगर कोई पुरुष और महिला एक-दूसरे से सच्चा प्यार करते हैं, लेकिन अगर परिवार उनकी शादी के खिलाफ है, तो इसे धर्म के रूप में जाना जाता है। Confused by the above quote ? Yes, how can the above quote be about Dharma? Krishna Ji is known as the person who taught the meaning of love. Once, during the Mahabharata, he guided Arjun about love marriage. When a man and woman are in true love, and the family is against it, then according to Rashtriya Dharma, the man can marry the woman forcefully, and it will come in Dharma.

A love partner doesn’t know how much you love them , but only how caring you are.

एक लव पार्टनर को यह नहीं पता होता है कि आप उनसे कितना प्यार करते हैं, लेकिन वह सिर्फ यह जानते हैं कि आप उनका कितना ख्याल रखते हैं। Through this quote Krishna Ji wants to describe that caring is love. In a relationship, your partner may not always know the depth of your love, but they can feel the warmth of your care. This clearly means that actions and caring gestures speak louder than words. It is important to express love, but showing it in your gestures in daily life nourishes the relationship more.

Love is the greatest power in the universe, able to transform even the most stubborn hearts.

प्रेम ब्रह्मांड में सबसे बड़ी शक्ति है, जो सबसे कठिन हृदयों को भी परिवर्तित करने में सक्षम है। This quote is about the universal life changing power of love. Love is an emotion that softens and changes the most stubborn hearts. It is an amazing force with the capacity to bring about positive change. Love can totally transform who you are and make you a better person. With the support of your loved one, you can achieve anything.

True love is selfless and unconditional, without any expectations or desires.

सच्चा प्रेम निःस्वार्थ और निरपेक्ष होता है, किसी भी आशा या इच्छा के बिना। Have you ever wondered what selfless love means? Learn by this quote of Shri Krishna. With this quote Krishna Ji defines genuine love as being free from selfishness, expectations, or motives. It highlights the purity and unconditionality of true love. When a person loves someone thinks about the partner first. Without any selfish reason, loving without expectations. Selfless and unconditional love doesn’t want anything in return and it’s only about giving.

Love is the thread that connects us to the divine, and through it, we can feel the spiritual connection.

प्रेम एक धागा है जो हमें ईश्वर से जोड़ता है, और इसके माध्यम से हम आध्यात्मिक एकता का अनुभव कर सकते हैं। Krishna ji says, love is a way to god. This quote beautifully defines love as a connecting thread to the divine. Through love, a person can make a spiritual connection. The purity and devotion of love can connect us to divine power. Love is seen as a bridge to a deeper spiritual understanding.

When we fall in love, without thinking about the outcome, we become instruments of divine will.

जब हम प्रेम में कार्रवाई करते हैं, परिणाम के संलग्नता के बिना, हम दिव्य इच्छा के यंत्र में बदल जाते हैं। This quote encourages actions rooted in love without attachment to results, suggesting that such selfless actions align with divine will. It emphasizes surrendering to a greater purpose without being attached to personal gains, allowing love to guide one’s actions as an instrument of divine intent. 


In conclusion, these Bhagavad Gita quotes on love tell about the nature of love, highlighting its life-changing power, selfless nature, spiritual understanding, and connection with divine power. With each quote, you will understand more about selfless and unconditional love. True love is beyond personal desires and believes in giving and loving unconditionally.


1.) How can Bhagavad Gita quotes on love help in maintaining a relationship?

These quotes provide insights to deal with the challenges of love. Offering guidance for a happy relationship.

2.) Why does Krishna ji point out the importance of love in life?

According to Krishna Ji, life’s base is love. It is important for everything and every relationship. Whether that love is for family, partner or love for life.

3.) How does caring play a role in expressing love, as per Krishna Ji’s teachings?

Your partner may not always know the depth of your love, but they can feel the warmth of your care. So, caring is another way to express love.

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