Prithvi Mudra : 1 Yoga Mudra to Retain Energy

4 July 2024 | yoga

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Do you need a break instantly to retain energy? Then Prithvi Mudra is for you. Also, this mudra is helpful in maintaining a good body weight. If you are gaining weight faster despite eating less then you should start practicing this mudra. Are Yoga Mudras really effective? Does this question click your mind? Well, the National Library of Medicine (NIH) proves the effectiveness of yoga mudras in improving the health of its practitioners. 

However, its effectiveness depends upon your efforts. Practice Yoga Mudras on a regular basis, eat healthy food and be religious towards exercise. In this way you can observe changes in your body. Not only from the outside but inside too. And one such effective mudra is the Prithvi Mudra.So let us know what this mudra is, what are its benefits and should you do this mudra.

What is Prithvi Mudra 

In Ayurveda, the earth element is also known as Prithvi (means earth in Sanskrit). Which is important for maintaining a healthy body and mind. It’s the foundation of the physical structure. Provides stability, firmness, and strength. 

However, Prithvi Mudra helps in maintaining a balance in the earth element. Prithvi means earth and Mudra is gestures. This mudra or gesture helps you stay grounded. This powerful hand gesture will make you feel lighter and also benefit your body.

Symptoms of Imbalanced Earth Element in Body

Imbalance of elements in your body is something which you cannot catch in body scans. But knowing the symptoms of their imbalance may guide you. So, if earth element is imbalanced in your body then it’s symptoms are; 

  • Fatigue and low energy levels. 
  • Hair loss and weak bones. 
  • Difficult to focus. 
  • Anxiety, insecurity, high cholesterol and emotional ups and downs. 
  • Digestive issues and obesity. 

prithvi mudra : how to do it

Practicing Prithvi Mudra: How to Do it!

  • Sit in the chai-sipping pose. With a straight back and legs crossed. 
  • Touch the tips of the ring finger with the thumb. 
  • Keep the rest of the finger open. 
  • Take deep breaths, relax, and let the earthly energy flow upwards. 
  • Do this twice a day. 
  • Hold this mudra for 15 minutes in one go. 

Benefits Worth More than a Free Samosa

The benefits associated with this mudra are as follows:

High Energy

The earth element represents grounding and stability. Prithvi Mudra helps channel this energy, leading to improved vitality and reduced fatigue. However, healthy sleep and nutrition is also important. But it could offer a complementary boost. 

Reduce Fatigue  

Similarly, the grounding effect of this mudra also helps in giving calmness. It promotes a sense of centeredness too. 

Stronger Bones and hairs

The earth element is associated with bone and hair health. It stimulates bone and hair growth by activating energy channels. Remember, a balanced diet and proper care are also essential for stronger bones and hairs. It also prevents premature graying of hair

Sharpened focus

The grounding nature of this Mudra can stop the chaos in mind. It helps quiet mental chatter. But it requires consistency and determination. 

Relief from stress and anxiety

Anxiety and stress can be caused due to workload and a hectic day. Ungroundedness can also promote anxiety and stress. This mudra promotes a sense of security and peace due to it’s connection with the earth element. 

Weight loss

The stress relieving, fatigue reducing and energy boosting effects of this mudra can lead to weight reduction. With a clear mind you can focus on healthy lifestyle choices. This will contribute to your weight management. 

Benefits to Muladhara or the Root Chakra

In Ayurveda, Muladhara or Root Chakra governs feelings of security and stability. However, this mudra is connected to the earth element, so it stimulates and balances this chakra

Balances the earth element

Each element plays an important role in health, as per Ayurveda. However, imbalance among these elements can lead to various health issues. Prithvi Mudra could help in balancing the earth element. Thus it impacts the overall well-being. 

Reduce body pains

The grounding effect of this Mudra can reduce body aches and pains that are caused due to stress. 

A pinch of precaution

A Pinch of Precautions 

  • Don’t force your body in the mudra. Try to keep your body as relaxed as you can. 
  • Gently join the tips of the thumb and ring finger. Don’t press it hard. 
  • Stop doing the gesture if you feel uncomfortable. 

Else, there are no other precautions, this practice is safer.


Prithvi Mudra Is for Everyone?

This mudra is generally safer for most people. Regardless of age or lifestyle, anyone can do this mudra daily. Yet there are a few groups of individuals who should avoid it. These includes: 

  • If your hands, arms, shoulders, or neck is injured, then you should not practice this mudra. 
  • Pregnant ladies should perform this mudra with caution. Or consult your doctor first. 
  • If you have certain medical issues like; high blood pressure, fever, cardiac issues or insomnia then you should avoid this mudra. 
  • If you’re taking any medications, it’s important to consult your doctor before trying any new mudras. 
  • Some medicines can interact with the effects of this mudra.

Even if you don’t fall into any of these categories, it’s always best to listen to your body. Consult an experienced Yoga instructor for proper guidance. Stop practicing this Mudra if you experience any discomfort. 

So, feel lighter, stronger, and grounded with Prithvi Mudra. Remember, small changes can lead to big shifts in well-being. As you take on this journey, seek guidance from an expert Yoga instructor. 


 1.) What are the benefits of doing Prithvi Mudra?  

Performing Prithvi Mudra on a regular basis increases energy, improves digestion, enhances immunity and reduces stress and anxiety.

2.) Can a pregnant woman do Prithvi Mudra?

A pregnant woman can do this mudra, however, it is essential to consult with their doctor first. 

3.) Can I do Prithvi Mudra?

Yes you can perform Prithvi Mudra, it is easier and has so many benefits. Also, it is recommended to not to do this mudra if you have any allergies, elemental imbalance, or any other medical conditions. 

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