Raj Yog in Kundali & Its Role in Making You Successful!

24 July 2024 | astrology

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As humans, we always seek more. More money, more happiness, more love, and the list continues. But only a few of us are able to get these. Ever thought why? Why are some people born rich or born to be rich, while others stay in the shadows? Well, it is all because of a Raj yog in Kundali. So, today, you will know how it forms, its types, and how it makes your life great.

What is a Raj Yog in Kundali?

So, we will start with the basics first. In a Kundali or birth chart, a Raj Yog is the joint connection of planets which gives you a high position. It gives you a good status in the society. It is a special condition that blesses you with a lot of money, good luck, comfort, and the power to rule. You can see it in the term "Raj Yog", where the word "Raj" comes from the Hindi term Raja. It means the ruler. Therefore, it is mostly in the Kundali of leaders or businessmen. Now, let us see how it forms.

How a Raj Yog Forms in Your Kundali?

As you read above, the positions of planets form some specific conditions that we call "yog" in astrology. So, here is a short and simple overview of how a Raj yog forms. Well it forms:

  • When the lord of the 2nd and 5th house is sitting in the 2nd, 5th, 9th, or 10th house.
  • When Venus and Moon are in the 3rd house.
  • If the lord of the 2nd and 11th houses are in the 10th house.
  • When Jupiter is the ruling planet of the 9th house and sits in the 8th house.
  • During the Mahadasha of Rahu in the 4th, 55th, 10th or 11th house.
  • When there are more positive (benefic) planets present in the Kundali (birth chart).

Role of "Karmas" in Forming Raj Yog in Kundali

In astrology, your Kundali or birth chart accounts for the actions you did in your past life. In simple words, if you did good karma in your past life, then you will enjoy your rewards in this life. But if your actions were wrong then no one can save you from the punishment. Therefore, you may have heard people saying, "Isne zrur pichle janam me kuch ache karm kiye honge" for a person who is enjoying a great life. After this, there are many types of Raj yogas, and they have different results. Let us see. 

Most Powerful Raj Yog in Kundli by Date of Birth

Moving forward, here are the different types of Raj Yoga that you should know. The most powerful Raj Yogas are mentioned below in ascending order.

Neech Bhang Yoga

In the name here, Bhang means to end, and Neech means submissive. So, Neech Bhang means the Raj yog that ends the submissiveness of the planet. If you have this Raj yog in your birth chart, then no planet can cause a negative effect on you. This Raj yog gives success and turns problems into opportunities.

Vipreet Raj Yoga

If the ruling planets of the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses are sitting in each other's house, then Vipreet Yoga forms. You can understand the term "Vipreet" in the name. It means the opposite. So, you can say that these ruling planets exchange their houses. If you have this Raj yog, then you will be successful in an uncommon career field.

Adhi Yoga

"Adhi" means powerful. So, Adhi Yoga is a powerful yoga that forms when Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury are in the 6th, 7th, and 8th house from the Lagna with the Moon. It opens the door for success. Moreover, the planets involved make you smart, beautiful, and gentle.

Adhi yog

Akhand Samrajya Yoga

The name itself justifies this yog. "Akhand Samrajya" means unbroken empire. So, this yog makes you a leader who can rule over a vast land and preserve it too. Moreover, it takes shape when Jupiter is the ruling planet of the 2nd, 9th, and 11th house and is in the Kendra to the Moon or 1st house. Additionally, the ascendant sign of these houses should be a fixed sign. It means zodiac signs such as Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. Furthermore, it shows you money and leadership qualities and gives you a good image in society. 

Budhaditya Yoga

Here, "Budh" is a term used for Mercury, and "Aditya" is used for the Sun. This yog forms when Mercury and Sun are in the same house. But to calculate this yoga, you need to go deep into knowing the degrees. Don't worry! We have shared a detailed overview of it in one of our blogs. Apart from this, if you have this yoga in your Kundali then you will live a rich lifestyle. There will be huge profits in your business and chances to get a government job are higher. 

Panch Mahapurush Yoga

This Raj yog involves five planets. These are the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, and Jupiter. It forms when one of these five planets is sitting in its own sign. Or when these planets are placed in an exalted sign of Kendra or Trikona. It brings success, money, power, and spiritual growth. Moreover, Panch Mahapurush yoga forms when 5 Raj yogas form in your Kundali. These are:

  • Bhadra Yoga: Formed by Mercury.
  • Hamsa Yoga: Formed by Jupiter.
  • Malavya Yoga: Formed by Venus
  • Ruchaka Yoga: Formed by Mars.
  • Sasa Yoga: Formed by Saturn. 

Gajakesari Yoga 

Gajakesari Yoga is one of the most powerful Raj yog. It forms when Jupiter is sitting in the 1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th houses from the Moon. If you have this Raj yog then you are the luckiest person. It brings immense money to your life. Plus, it gives you a good status in the society. Also, it makes you powerful too. Therefore, you easily defeat your enemies. 

Famous Personalities Who Have a Raj Yog in Kundali

So, let us see if these Raj yogas really have potential or not. Here are a list of famous personalities who hold a higher position in their field and have these yogas. But remember, we cannot ignore their hard work and skills.

Famous Personalities Raj Yog in Kundali

  • Sardaar Vallabh Bhai Patel: Panch Mahapurush Yoga.
  • Amitabh Bachchan: Vepreet and Akhand Samrajya Yoga.  
  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi: Neech Bhang Yoga.
  • Steve Jobs: Akhand Samrajya Yoga.  
  • Donald Trump: Akhand Samrajya Yoga.  
  • Ambani: Budhaditya Yoga


In conclusion, a Raj Yog has a great contribution in makina a person successful in their life. Although, it is important to understand that hard work, dedication, focus, and discipline are more important. Still, a Raj Yog adds stars to your fate if it is present in your birth chart. Apart from this, we have made separate blogs for each Raj yoga discussed in this blog. There, you will find a complete picture of these different types of Raj yoga. So, stay tuned with Vedic Meet, as there is a lot to come. 


What is a Raj Yog in Kundali?

In astrology, yoga means the mutual relationship of planets, which gives good or bad results according to the strength, nature, and position of the planets. Similarly, Rajyoga is the joint connection of planets, which gives name, fame, and prosperity. It makes the natives very powerful and lucky and gives them a higher position in their career field. 

Which is the most powerful Raj Yog in Kundali?

Gaja Kesari and Panch Mahapurusha Yoga are two of the most powerful Raj yogas. They bless you with a lot of money, fame, knowledge, and fortune. 

Which Raj Yog is the rarest? 

Although, Raj Yog itself is very rare. It cannot be found in the Kundali of everyone. You may see that celebrities, political leaders, or businessmen have Raj Yog in their birth charts.

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