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Online Kundali

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Do you want to get your free online Kundali made? If yes, then you are in the right place. At Vedic Meet, we create free Kundli using the expertise of our experienced astrologers to ensure accuracy and provide guidance based on their insights. This means your Kundali will be very accurate and offer you the right advice.

With a free online Kundali, you can learn a lot about your life – what will happen, when it will happen, and how it will happen. You will also get solutions and Vedic remedies for any problems you face. To get your free online Kundali, just provide your name, date of birth, time of birth, and place of birth.
Now let us understand what you will get to know with the free Kundali report.

Free Online Kundali Report Details

The free Kundali report gives you lots of information. It includes your name, date of birth, time of birth, and place of birth. It also checks if you are Manglik, gives Panchang details, and includes Avakhada details.

The report has different charts. The Lagna chart, or birth chart, shows where the planets and stars were when you were born and includes general and planetary reports. The Navamsa chart, important for marriage, has the same reports as the Lagna chart. The Transit chart shows the current positions of planets and includes the same reports. Divisional charts cover different parts of life, like career, family, and health, and include the same reports as the Lagna chart.

In the KP section, there is the Bhav Chalit chart and details about the ruling planets and their positions. The Ashtakvarga section gives information about all planets. The Dasha section has the Vimshottari table, showing major planetary periods and important times in your life, and the Yogini table, which gives a detailed look at the Yogini Dasha periods.

The results section shows information based on houses and planets, with Sanskrit shlokas and their meanings. The report also covers general, planetary, Dasha, and Yoga reports. It suggests remedies like Rudraksha and gemstones and includes checks for Manglik and Sade Sati Dosha.

After the interpretations of the effects of planetary positions and zodiacs in the different 12 houses, we suggest Vedic remedies to overcome the effects of Dasha. If you want a detailed analysis of your free kundali, you can consult with Vedic Meet's experienced and professional astrologers. They will analyse your kundali in the best way and explain it to you. Create your free Kundli today and begin your journey towards self-discovery, empowerment and problem-free life. Don't wait—start exploring your life's potential now!

What is kundali

What is Kundali?

Kundali is a record of a person's birth details. It shows where the planets and constellations were in the sky when the person was born. The birth chart, or free kundli, is used for naming ceremonies, weddings, and other events. By looking at the free online kundali, you will get to know about nature, job, money, family, marriage, love life, and other important things.

According to Vedic astrology, there are 12 houses in a birth chart. The position of a planet in a particular house and its combination with other planets and zodiacs give information about different aspects of your life. Here, we will talk about the 12 houses. According to Jatakalankar;

देहं द्रव्यपराक्रमौ सुखसुतौ शत्रुः कलत्रं मृति-
र्भाग्यं राज्यपदं क्रमेण गदितौ लाभव्ययौ लग्नतः।
भावा द्वादश तत्र सौख्यशरणं देहं मतं देहिनां
तस्मादेव शुभाशुभाख्यफलजः कार्यो बुधैर्निर्णयः॥ (जातकालंकार 1-5)

That is, from the ascendant onwards, the names of the twelve houses are Deha 1, Dravya 2, Valor 3, Happiness 4, Suta 5, Shatru 6, Kalatra 7, Death 8, Bhagya 9, Rajyapada 10, Labh 11 and Expense 12 respectively. Apart from this, these expressions are also known by the nouns Tanu, Dhan, Sahaj, Suhrad, Sut, Ripu, Jaya, Mrityu, Dharma, Karma, Aay, Vaya, respectively. Apart from this, many nouns of these twelve expressions are also found.

12 houses meaning as per Jyotishtatvank

The 1st house, also known as the Ascendant or Lagna. The first house is very important as it provides information about your personality and many other aspects of your life. Body, colour, form, physical appearance, personality, character, nature, mind, mentality, fortune, prestige, prosperity.

The 2nd house is about family, speech, and joint family. It also relates to money, the right eye for males, and the left eye for females. Additionally, it covers nails, tongue, teeth, food, jewels, jewellery, precious stones, and violence with a partner. This house is strongly connected to wealth and possessions.

The 3rd house is about siblings, including real brothers and sisters, as well as relatives and neighbours. It also covers your efforts, communication skills, right ear, and courage.

The 4th house is about happiness, your mother, and relatives. It also includes vehicles, the family environment, land, and education (up to high school). This house relates to prosperity, upbringing, and your relationship with your mother.

The 5th house is about education, the mind, and intelligence. It also relates to infants, the stomach, and college life. This house includes entertainment, gambling, past lives, and your life status. It covers your post, prestige, heart, skills in sports, love affairs, and attachment to the opposite sex.

The 6th house is about disease, loans, and enemies. It also covers wounds, tenants, and the waist. This house includes health issues, injuries, controversies, maternal uncle and aunt, slander, competition, and service.

The 7th house is about your life partner and their nature, as well as your relationship with your partner. It also includes open enemies, traveling, and danger to life. This house covers partnerships, sexual diseases, sexual relationships, urinary diseases, and business.

The 8th house is about age and the type of death. It also covers secret diseases, hidden treasures, and secret activities. This house includes sexual power, dowry, occult science, accidents, and unwanted incidents.

The 9th house is about luck, religion, and character. It also includes grandparents, long journeys, and grandsons. This house covers devotion to God, elderly people, spiritual growth, higher education (like a PhD), your real father, and your younger brother's wife. It also involves spiritual tours.

The 10th house is about your nurturing father, prestige, and deeds. It includes service and business, power, life goals, job promotions, and profits from the government. This house also covers your area of work and your knees.

The 11th house is about profit, desires, and prosperity. It includes the fulfillment of aspirations, your network circle, and relationships with your big or elder brother. This house also covers your left ear, daughter-in-law, and success in actions (karma).

The 12th house is about expenses, hospitals, and jail. It includes foreign travel, bed pleasures, moksha (spiritual liberation), loss, punishment, and donations.

What are zodiac signs?

As per Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, just like the Earth is divided into many parts to make the study of geography easier, the sky is also divided into 360 degrees. A zodiac sign is the name given to a specific shape and presence of the planets in the star cluster. There are no actual lines or shapes in the sky, but to make identification easier, ancient sages named the zodiac signs based on the shapes of known objects formed by groups of stars. This division is crucial for creating a free online kundali, which helps in understanding the influence of these zodiac signs and planetary positions on an individual's life.

Moon Sign

To find your moon sign, the sky is divided into 27 parts, each named after a constellation (Nakshatra). Each Nakshatra is split into four smaller parts, called phases (Charan). The moon stays in each zodiac sign for about two days before moving to the next one. In Indian tradition, the sign where the moon is located is considered your main zodiac sign.

Sun Sign

Sun sign astrology, or star sign astrology, is a simple way of looking at Western astrology. It only considers the position of the Sun at your birth, placing it in one of the twelve zodiac signs. This is called your sun sign or star sign. Most horoscope books today are based on Western astrology and focus on the sun sign. Just like Vedic astrologers use the Moon sign as the main birth sign, Western astrologers use the Sun sign. Now, let's read about the characteristics of the zodiac signs.

Characteristic of Zodiac signs as per Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra

A group of constellations is called a zodiac. We can see many groups of stars in the sky. Vedic astrologers observed these groups of stars forming patterns in the sky. Based on these patterns, the astrologers named them zodiacs. There are a total of 12 zodiacs. The literal meaning of the word 'Rashi' (zodiac) is wealth. In the celestial sphere, each zodiac spans 30 degrees.

Aries (Mesha Rashi)

रक्तवर्णो वृहद्गात्रचतुष्पाद् रात्रिविक्रमी ॥ ६॥
पूर्ववासी नृपज्ञातिः शैलचारी रजोगुणी।
पृष्ठोदयी पावकी च मेषराशिः कुजाधिपः ॥ ७॥
(Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra)

The Aries zodiac is represented by the color red. People under Aries often have a long body and are active at night. Aries is linked to the east direction and belongs to the Kshatriya caste. Aries likes to roam in mountains, has Rajasic qualities, rises from the back, is associated with the fire element, and its lord is Mars.

Taurus (Vrisha Rashi)

श्वेतः शुक्राधिपो दीर्घः चतुष्पाच्छर्वरीवली।
याम्येट् ग्राभ्यो वणिग् भूमी रजः पृष्ठोदयो वृपः ॥ ८॥
(Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra)

The Taurus zodiac is represented by the color white. People under Taurus often have a long body and are strong at night. Taurus is linked to the south direction and roams in villages. It belongs to the Vaishya caste, has the earth element, possesses Rajasic qualities, rises from the back, and its lord is Venus.

Gemini (Mithuna Rashi)

शीर्षोदयी नृमिथुनं सगदं च सवीणकम्।
प्रत्यङ्मरुद् द्विपाद्रात्रिबली ग्रामवजोऽनिली ॥ ९॥
समगात्रो हरिद्वर्णो मिथुनाख्यो बुधाधिपः।
(Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra)

The Gemini zodiac is represented by a pair of male and female holding a mace and a lute. Gemini rises from the head and is linked to the west direction. It has the air element, two legs, and is strong at night. Gemini roams in villages, has a Vata nature, a balanced body, and is associated with the color green. Its lord is Mercury.

Cancer (Karka Rashi)

पाटलो वनचारी च ब्राह्मणो निशि वीर्यवान्॥ १०॥
बहुपादी स्थूलतनुस्तथा सच्चगुणी जली।
पृष्ठोदयी कर्कराशिर्मृगाङ्काधिपतिः स्मृतः॥ ११॥
(Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra)

The Cancer zodiac is represented by the pale red color. Cancer roams in forests and belongs to the Brahmin caste. It is strong at night, has many legs, and a stout body. Cancer possesses Sattvic qualities, has the water element, rises from the back, and its lord is the Moon.

Leo (Singh Rashi)

सिंहः सूर्याधिपः सच्ची चतुष्पात् क्षत्रियो वनी।
शीर्षोदयी वृहद्गात्रः पाण्डुः पूर्वेड् द्यवीर्यवान् ॥ १२॥
(Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra)

The Leo zodiac has the Sun as its lord. Leo possesses Sattvic qualities, has four legs, and belongs to the Kshatriya caste. It roams in forests, rises from the head, and has a large body with a pale color. Leo is linked to the east direction and is strong during the day.

Virgo (Kanya Rashi)

पार्वतीयाथ कन्याख्या राशिर्दिनबलान्विता।
शीर्षोदया च मध्याङ्गा द्विपाद्याम्यचरा च सा ॥ १३॥
सा सस्यदहना वैश्या चित्रवर्णा प्रभञ्जिनी।
कुमारी तमसा युक्ता बालभावा बुधाधिपा ॥ १४॥
(Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra)

The Virgo zodiac roams in mountainous regions and is strong during the day. Virgo rises from the head and has a medium body with two legs. It is linked to the south direction and holds fire and crops. Virgo belongs to the Vaishya caste, has a variegated color, and possesses the air element. It is in a youthful state, has Tamasic qualities, and its lord is Mercury.

Libra (Tula Rashi)

शीर्षोदयी द्यवीर्याढ्यो घटः कृष्णो रजोगुणी।
पश्चिमो भूचरो घाती शूद्रो मध्यतनुद्विपात् ॥ १५॥
शुक्राधियोऽथ -(Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra)

The Libra zodiac rises from the head and is strong during the day. Libra has a black color and possesses Rajasic qualities. It resides in the west and roams on the ground. Libra has a violent nature, belongs to the Shudra caste, has a medium body with two legs, and its lord is Venus.

Scorpio (Vrishchika Rashi)

सौम्यस्थो दिनवीर्याढ्यः पिशङ्गो जलभूवहः ॥ १६॥
रोम स्वाढ्योऽतितीक्ष्णाग्रो वृश्चिकश्च कुजाधिपः।
(Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra)

The Scorpio zodiac has a small body and many legs. Scorpio belongs to the Brahmin caste and resides in holes. It is linked to the north direction and is strong during the day. Scorpio has a yellowish color and possesses the water element. It roams on the ground, has a hairy body, a very sharp sting, and its lord is Mars.

Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi)

पृष्ठोदयी त्वथ धनुर्गुरुस्वामी च सात्विकः॥ १७॥
पिङ्गलो निशि वीर्याढ्यः पावकः क्षत्रियो द्विपात् ।
आदावन्ते चतुष्पादः समगात्रो धनुर्धनः॥ १८॥
पूर्वस्थो वसुधाचारी बहुतेजः समन्वितः।
(Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra)

The Sagittarius zodiac rises from the back and its lord is Jupiter. Sagittarius possesses Sattvic qualities and has a yellowish color. It is strong at night and has the fire element. Sagittarius belongs to the Kshatriya caste, with two legs in the first half and four legs in the latter half. It has a balanced body, holds a bow, and resides in the east. Sagittarius roams on the ground and has immense radiance.

Capricorn (Makara Rashi)

मन्देशस्तामसो भूमियाम्येट् च निशि वीर्यवान् ॥ १९॥
पृष्ठोदयी वृहद्गात्रः कर्बुरो वनभूचरः।
आदौ चतुष्पादन्ते तु विपदो जलगो मतः ॥ २०॥
(Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra)

The Capricorn zodiac's lord is Saturn. Capricorn possesses Tamasic qualities and has the earth element. It resides in the south and is strong at night. Capricorn rises from the back and has a large, variegated body. It roams in forests and on the ground. In the first half, it has four legs, and in the latter half, it has no legs. Capricorn also moves in water.

Aquarius (Kumbha Rashi)

कुम्भः कुम्भी नरो बभ्रुवर्णो मध्यतनुर्द्विपात् ।
घुवीर्यो जलमध्यस्थो वातशीर्षोदयी तमः॥ २१॥
शूद्रः पश्चिमदेशस्य स्वामी दैवाकरिः स्मृतः।
(Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra)

The Aquarius zodiac has the form of a man carrying a pot. It has a brown color, a medium body, and two legs. Aquarius is strong during the day and resides in the middle of water. It possesses the air element and rises from the head. Aquarius has Tamasic qualities, belongs to the Shudra caste, resides in the west, and its lord is Saturn.

Pisces (Meena Rashi)

मीनौ पुच्छास्यसंलग्नौ मीनराशिर्दिवाचली॥ २२॥
जली सच्चगुणाढ्यश्च स्वस्थो जलचरो द्विजः।
अपदो मध्यदेही च सौम्यस्थो भयदयी॥ २३॥
सुराचार्याधिपश्चेत्थं राशीनामुदिता गुणाः।
त्रिंशद्भागात्मकानां च स्थूलसूक्ष्मफलाय च॥ २४॥
(Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra)

The Pisces zodiac has the form of two fish joined at the head and tail. Pisces is strong during the day and possesses the water element and Sattvic qualities. It has a healthy face, moves in water, and belongs to the Brahmin caste. Pisces has no legs, a medium body, and resides in the north. It rises from both the head and tail, and its lord is Jupiter. These qualities help make detailed predictions based on their thirty-degree divisions.

12 houses Kundali
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About Planets as per Brihatjatak- Authentic Granth

The Form of the Sun and Moon

मधुपिङ्गलदृक् चतुरश्रतनुः पित्तप्रकृतिः सविताल्पकचः।
तनुवृत्ततनुर्बहुवातकफः प्राज्ञश्च शशी मृदुवाक् शुभदृक् ।। (बृ.जा.2/8)

The Sun has honey-colored eyes, a square-shaped body, a fiery (pitta) nature, and thin hair. The Moon has a slender, round body, a mix of wind (vata) and phlegm (kapha), intelligence, charming eyes, and a soft-spoken nature.

The Form of Mars and Mercury

क्रूरदृक् तरूणमूर्तिरूदारः पैत्तिकः सुचपलः कृशमध्यः।
श्लिष्टवाक् सततहास्यरुचिज्ञः पित्तमारूतकफप्रकृतिश्च ।। (बृ.जा.2/9)

Mars has a fierce gaze, a youthful look, generosity, a fiery (pitta) nature, a restless personality, and a slim waist. Mercury speaks well, loves to laugh, and has a mix of phlegm (kapha), wind (vata), and fire (pitta) in its body.

The Form of Jupiter and Venus

बृहत्तनुः पिङ्गमूर्धजेक्षणो बृहस्पतिः श्रेष्ठमतिः कफात्मकः।
भृगः सुखी कान्तवपुः सुलोचनः कफलानिलात्मासितवक्रमूर्धजः ।। (बृ.जा.2/10)

Jupiter has a big body, yellow hair and eyes, a smart mind, and a body type with phlegm (kapha). Venus looks nice, has beautiful eyes, a body type with phlegm (kapha) and wind (vata), dark curly hair, and a happy nature.

The Form of Saturn and the Metals of Planets

मन्दोऽलसः कपिलदृक् कृशदीर्घगात्रः स्थूलद्विजः परूषरोमकचोऽनिलात्मा।
स्थाय्वस्थ्यसृक् त्वगथ शुक्लवसे च मज्जा मन्दार्कचन्द्रबुधशुक्रसुरेढ्यभोमाः ।। (बृ.जा.2/11)

Saturn is slow and lazy in actions. It has yellowish eyes, a weak and tall body, thick teeth, rough hair and skin, and a wind (vata) constitution.

In terms of the planetary metals, it is said that:

  1. Saturn governs the nerves,
  2. Sun governs the bones,
  3. Moon governs the blood,
  4. Mercury governs the skin,
  5. Venus governs the semen,
  6. Jupiter governs the fat,
  7. Mars governs the marrow.

The implication is that the appearance and qualities of a person are similar to the characteristics of the most powerful planet in their horoscope.

Let's look at two examples of a Kundali to see how it works and how an astrologer predicts and gives advice by analyzing it.

Example 1:-

दशाफलदर्पणम्सुख स्थितस्यापि निशाघवस्य मातुर्वियोगः सुखयानभूमिः।
कृषेर्धनाप्तिगृहकर्मलाभः कीर्तिस्वनामांकितपयजालः ॥38॥

In the Kundli of a person if the moon is in the fourth house then this shows separation from their mother. It also shows the purchase of new vehicles and also the purchase of new land. There will be profits from income, financial gain from business or agriculture, and benefits from domestic or ancestral work. Poems, congratulatory letters, etc., are ready to praise you.

Example 2:-

दशाफलदर्पणम् प्राग्दिग्लवेषु धनुषि स्थित गीष्पतेश्च मूलत्रिकोणभवने च भवेद्दशायाम् ।
मन्त्री पुमान् मतिवरस्त्वथमंडलीको पित्रादिकः स्वयुवतीवचनानुरक्तः ॥60॥

In a person's Kundali, if Jupiter is in the first 10 degrees of the Sagittarius sign, called Guru Dasha in Moola Trikonamsha, the person can become an advisor or a minister. They will be praised for their intelligence, become important in their community, and receive good wishes from their parents and spouse.


What is a Kundali?
What is the Moon Sign?
What is the Sun Sign?
Can you give an example of a Kundali prediction?