Gayatri Mantra Benefits and Correct Way to Chant it

3 July 2024 | vedic-learnings

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Remember those hot assembly mornings in school uniform?  Hands folded, eyes closed, chanting Gayatri Mantra. But do you know that this mantra is the most powerful mantra in the world? This mantra holds the key to many mental and physical health benefits. So, let’s bring back those nostalgic memories with a touch of information. And let’s begin to understand the benefits of Gayatri Mantra. 

What is Gayatri Mantra? 

First things first, Gayatri Mantra is one of the most well known and ancient mantras. It belongs to Rigveda, one out of the 4 Vedas. Although, people chant it as a prayer mostly because it blesses you with wisdom. Additionally, this mantra is dedicated to Devi Savitri, the daughter of Surya Dev or the Sun God. This is why people recite it at sunrise. Moreover, it promotes spiritual growth, knowledge and enlightenment. Because, Devi Savitri is the goddess of the 4 Vedas. Thus, she she gives you wisdom and knowledge and blesses you with various mental and physical health benefits. 

Mental Health Benefits of Gayatri Mantra 

Ahead, let’s see how Gayatri Mantra benefits your mental health. 

  1. It Purifies Your Mind

Chanting Gayatri mantra purifies your mind and promotes positive thoughts. Because it is dedicated to Savitri and Surya both. So, it eliminates all the negative forces around you. 

  1. Makes You More Spiritual 

As you know that Gayatri mantra is mostly recited as a prayer. So, when you recite it daily then your connection with the divine becomes stronger. You will experience that spiritual practices are attracting you which is a sign of spiritual awakening. 

  1. Gives Relief from Stress and Anxiety 

When you have less negative thoughts in your mind, gradually stress and anxiety will reduce. This is also due to your involvement in spiritual activities. So, you will be able to control your mind to not allow negative thoughts. 

  1. Improves Focus, Memory and Learning 

Furthermore, less stress allows you to focus properly. Therefore, you can focus on the present moment. As well as you can focus on a task you are doing. This will improve your work, efficiency and creativity. Also, you will not get any unnecessary thoughts or chaos in your mind so you can memorize things and learn new things quickly. 

  1. Gives you Inner Peace 

Inner peace is something which you cannot achieve by pushing yourself. It comes with patience and a positive mindset. Therefore, by eliminating negativity from your mind, Gayatri mantra gives you inner peace. Thus, you will be more happy, peaceful, and energetic throughout the day. 

Physical Health Benefits of Gayatri Mantra  

On the other hand, you can combine Gayatri Mantra with yoga asanas too. Thus, it blesses you with more physical health benefits. So, let’s see what physical benefits Gayatri Mantra gives you. 

  1. Improves Lungs Capacity

If you chant Gayatri mantra while doing Pranayama, it opens up the breathing airways. When you chant it while doing Pranayama it helps to open your lungs fully. Thus, improving your breathing. 

  1. It Removes Harmful Toxins From Your Body 

So, chanting Gayatri Mantra creates a shield of positive energy (aura) around you. As well as the vibrations which emerges during the chant activates some points on your face. This allows oxygen flow in them. It travels down to your bloodstream then goes to your skin again. Giving your skin a better glow. 

Physical Health Benefits of Gayatri Mantra

Protects you from Lung Disease Like Asthma 

By improving your breathing and lung capacity, Gayatri mantra also reduces the risk of asthma and other lung diseases. But all this happens only if you practice regularly. 

  1. Keeps Your Heart Healthy 

Chanting the Gayatri Mantra slows breathing, regulates heart beats and promotes a healthier heart.  

  1. Enhances Nervous System Functioning 

As this mantra reduces stress, it improves the nervous system by promoting better sleep. Also, the vibration of the chant involves the movement of the throat, tongue, mouth, and lips. Due to this the brain responds by releasing neurotransmitters 

What is the Original Gayatri Mantra? 

So, here is the original gayatri mantra itself. 

ॐ भूर् भुवः स्वः

तत् सवितुर वरेण्यम्

भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि

धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात्।

This is the original Gayatri Mantra from the Rig veda. It contains 24 syllables. Now, lets understand its meaning. 

Gayatri Mantra (गायत्री मंत्र)

Meaning of Gaytri mantra

So, the mantra has 4 parts, the first one is “ॐ भूर् भुवः स्वः” which represents earth, atmosphere and heaven. While, “OM” is the sound of creation. 

The second part is “तत् सवितुर वरेण्यम्” which is a salutation towards Devi Savitri who is the embodiment of life and happiness. It translates to “the excellent light of Savitur (Savitri). 

The third phrase is “भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि” which means let us meditate over the supreme goddess who gives enlightenment with her divine light. 

The last part is “धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात्” which translates to may the goddess stimulate our intellect. 

What is the right way of Chanting Gayatri Mantra? 

Moreover, it is important to know the right way to chant Gayatri Mantra. Because the Gayatri Mantra benefits you with regular practice and correct pronunciation. So, it is important to know the right pronunciation of this mantra. Also, you should chant it in a soft voice with a relaxed and positive mind. You should focus on the vibrations of each syllable of this mantra. Moreover the best time to chant this mantra is early morning. Thus, you should face the sun while chanting this mantra. Also, you can chant this mantra while doing Pranayama and breathing exercises. 


1.) What is the benefit of chanting Gayatri Mantra everyday? 

When you chant Gayatri Mantra everyday you will observe subtle changes. You will feel happier, your mind will be relaxed, and you will be able to memorize more things. 

2.) Which is the most powerful mantra in the world?

In the Vedic Culture, the Gayatri mantra is the most powerful and ancient mantra. This mantra includes various health benefits and gives you relief from stress, inner peace, and happiness. 

3.) When should I chant Gayatri Mantra? 

The best time to chant Gayatri Mantra is in the early morning. However, traditionally, it is best to chant this mantra during Brahmamahura i.e, 3:30 AM to 4:30 AM. Chant it 3 times a day and at least 108 times.

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