When will Kalki Avatar born on Earth - Shocking Facts About Kalki

5 August 2024 | vedic-learnings

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 Lord Krishna Ji , In one of his slokas, he stated that" यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत:। अभ्युत्थानमधर्मस्य तदात्मानं सृजाम्यहम्॥(चतुर्थ अध्याय, श्लोक 7)" which means "Whenever unrighteousness increases on this earth, and there is an outcry, then by taking an incarnation, I would establish righteousness by destroying unrighteousness and protecting good people".

Kalkin or Kalki is the 10 th avatar of Lord Vishnu Ji (dharma establishment and savior), who is yet to appear in the near future. Hindu mythological books like Puranas mention that Vishnu Ji takes avatars to establish dharma and havoc on evil people in each yuga. This is a period of Kaliyuga, where we can already see the effects of Kaliyuga, like people have been spitting or destroying idols of god, there is no respect for the workplace, no purity is maintained, and everyone has war in their mind. People are selfish as they ask for the blessing when needed, and their consciousness is dead, blocked by Maya. There was a time when people used to speak the truth and live in harmony, but as per Kalyug's effects, morals have been declining, and we are all moving towards destruction.

When will the Kalki avatar be born on earth?

When will the Kalki avatar be born on Earth? Yes, it is a question that has become a subject of curiosity for many people, and you can find answers through Kalki Puran and legitimate sources from the internet.

According to Purana, Lord Kalki will be born during the festival of Baisakhi on the 12th day following the full moon day.He is believed to be born in a village named Shambhala (South India )  to a Brahmin family. His father would be an eminent Brahman Vishnuyasa, and his mother, Sumati.Expanding more information about his family members, he would have three elders brothers, Kavi, Prajna, and Sumantra, who would assist him in wars. He would do two marriages; his wives would be Padmavati and Ramaa. Goddess Lakshmi will incarnate as Padma and would be Kalki's first wife. Her father would be Brihardratha, the king of Simhala. His second wife, Ramaa, would be the daughter of King Shashivaja and Queen Sushanta.

Teachers of Lord Kalki:

Lord Parashurama would be Kalki's teacher (Guru) and train him in warfare with spiritual knowledge. Kalki would be a master of 64 arts and highly proficient in Vedic knowledge.

After completing his education Under  Lord Parashurama, he would, on the advice of his guru, would praise Lord Shiv Ji. On becoming happy with the prayers of Kalki Ji, Shiv Ji would grant him a white horse with wings known as Devdatta (manifested from Garuda that would fly anywhere and can change forms). Along with a fiery sword, he would also give a parrot that would predict everything about the past, present, and future

Story behind the marriage of Lord Kalki with Padmavati:

According to Kalki Puran, Padmati, the wife of Lord Kalki, is blessed by Lord Shiva and his wife, Parvati. Anyone who sees her with lust would turn into a female forever. Soon after waiting for many years, Brihadratha would arrange a Svayamvara where many kings and princes of various kingdoms would arrive to marry Padmavati. But due to the blessings of Lord Shiva and Parvati ji, everyone mesmerized by her beauty would turn into females. In the end, Kalki would arrive and marry her.

Story behind the marriage of Lord Kalki with Padmavati:

Kalki's mission to end Kaliyuga begins:

1) The first battle he would have with a Buddhist monk Jina who has left the path of Dharma and become the king.  At first, Kalki's horse will get injured, and he will get unconscious. After a second encounter, he would kill Jina and restore Dharma.

2) He would then kill the gigantic demoness Kuthodari, who lived in the Himalayas, by shooting arrows blazing with fire and then tearing her stomach open with his mighty sword.

3)Vikanja, the son of Demoness Kuthodari, would take revenge against Kalki by tormenting the whole kingdom until Lord Kalki kills him with his weapon Brahmastra.

4)Fierce battle with Kali (king of Vishasana). He would kill two demons, Koka and Vikoka. Dharma and Satya Yuga would assist Kalki in defeating Kali.

5) King Shashidhvaja would defeat Kalki and bring him home. As the king knew Kalki's truth( that he was the incarnation of Lord Vishnu Ji), they would bow to him and marry their daughter with him.

6)Vishakanya would be freed from the curse on an encounter with Lord Kalki.

7) After restoring Satya Yuga and ruling for over 1000 years, he would return to Vaikunth on the advice of God.

 Some Interesting Facts About Kalki Avatar:

1) The kali yuga is at the initial stages. According to data from great scholars, priests and bhagwat purana, the kali yuga life spans 432000 years. We have already passed more than 5000 years. Lord Kalki will arrive at the end of Kaliyuga when sins are at their peak, and pious people will ask god to help.

2) As per Kalki Purana, he will be born at the home of the most eminent Brahma home, Visnu Yasa. He will appear on his white horse, Devdutta, and rule over land and sea. He would kill all evil people and restore happiness.

3) There is a big story behind Vishnu Ji's continuous incarnations in this world. Maharishi Bhrigu has cursed Vishnu Ji for taking birth as a human being and suffering feelings like sorrow, happiness, etc. Kavyamata (Maharishi Bhrigu's wife) held Indra and other gods captive to save the demons. Vishnu Ji killed her through his Sudarshan chakra and, in a rage, got cursed by Maharishi Bhrigu. (updated)

4)During Baisakhi, Lord Kalki is said to come to Earth. Lord Kalki is rumored to appear earthly on the 12th day following the full moon day.

Therefore, it is conceivable that he will appear between April 26 and May 15. Additionally, it is predicted that a brahmin  named Visnu Yasa and his mother, Sumati, will give birth to Lord Kalki.

Additionally, it is thought that Lord Kalki would travel to Sinhala, where he would wed Padma and begin his married life.

Some stories about Kali Yuga :

Krishna Ji explains Kaliyuga through arrow demonstrations to Pandavas.

 There is a great story about Kaliyuga, in which Krishna Ji was questioned by four younger Pandavas, Arjun, Bheema, Sahadeva and Nakul, that O great Krishna; please give us clarity about Kaliyuga as it is approaching fast towards us. Krishna Ji smiled and replied that I would clear all of your doubts, but before that, you needed to retrieve back the arrows that I had shot in the four directions. You should also describe the place from where you find the arrow. As obedient followers of Vasudeva Ji, they rushed in the four directions to fetch the arrows.

Scene depiction of the place where the first arrow fell.

Arjun rode fast at the back of the first arrow and soon reached the place where the first arrow fell. He picked up the arrow and heard a sweet, mesmerizing song, and when he walked towards the direction of the song, he saw an auspicious bird cuckoo singing the song. He then saw although Cuckoo was singing a spellbinding song, he had caught a rabbit with his claws. The Cuckoo stopped for a while, tore the rabbits' flesh, started eating it, and then started singing again. Seeing this terrible sight, Arjuna was aback and, taking the arrow, returned to Krishna Ji.

Scene depiction of the place where the second arrow fell.

Bheema found that the second arrow was stuck in the place with five wells, of which the other four were overflowing with the sweetest water and the middle well empty. The sight made Bheema puzzled, and taking the arrow, he returned to Krishna Ji.

Scene depiction of the place where the third arrow fell.

As Nakula successfully found the third arrow, to his surprise, he noticed a big gathering of people nearby. Standing between them, he saw a cow continuously cleaning his newborn calf. The calf was completely cleaned, but the mother cow was continuously licking it; even though people tried to separate them, it was impossible. Soon the calf started bleeding, and wounds appeared on his whole body. Nakul thought about how a pleasant animal like a cow could hurt her kid, and with his thought, he returned to Krishna Ji.

Scene depiction of the place where the fourth arrow fell.

The last arrow which Sahadeva found was near a mountain area.  He saw that a large boulder was crushing everything on its way but was stopped by the small weak plant. This surprised Sahadeva, so he immediately rushed back to Krishna Ji for answers.

They returned to Krishna Ji and illustrated the sights they witnessed while picking up the arrows. Seeing their interest, he smiled and began explaining one by one. 

Explanation of the First Scene By Krishna Ji :

Hey Arjuna, what you saw was the effect of Kaliyuga. The cuckoo depicts that in the Kaliyuga period, the pious man and saints would be sweet from the mouth but take advantage of the weak and poor ones like you saw a cuckoo kill a rabbit.

Explanation of the Second Scene By Krishna Ji :

What you saw, mighty Bheem was the depiction of the time in Kaliyuga. The rich will be blessed with a fortune but never help the needy. The four overflowing wells depict the rich, and the empty wells depict the poor or needy.

Explanation of the Third Scene By Krishna Ji :

Krishna Ji turned to Nakula and said that in the Kaliyuga age, parents would love their children so much that it would spoil them. As you observed, the other cow's excessive licking and care for her calf resulted in wounds and bleeding, much as excessive parental affection would interrupt their lives. 

Explanation of the Fourth Scene By Krishna Ji :

Sahadeva, in the Kaliyuga age, people will become weaker beings, as they will bind themselves with worldly affairs, forgetting that they will meet their fate one day. The only way to survive is to recite Hari's name all the time.

King Parikshit and Kali Yuga Story:

Following Shri Krishna's departure, Kali began fomenting evil in people's imaginations. However, because Parikshit was a good monarch, Kali could not enter his realm. One day, the Kali had asked Parikshit to initiate the Kali Yuga and grant him access to his realm. The four ages—Satya, Dwapara, Treta, and Kali yugas—are a cycle, according to Kali. Parikshit permitted him to enter his realm on the understanding that he would abstain from harming innocent people and limit his presence.

King Parikshit and Kali Yuga Story

Kali Yuga got permission to reside in places like gambling, alcohol use, prostitution, immoral man-woman relationships, and violence. Kalki demanded one more place, as already other places were filthy; Parkshit told him to reside at Gold. Once, when Parikshit wore his ancestors' gold crown, Kali Yuga immediately possessed his crown.

After a few days, Parikshit hunted in a forest for the first time while wearing the crown. After hunting many creatures, he went very far and left his army behind. Tired from the whole day working and being thirsty went into the hut of a sage, who was meditating then. King Parikshit requested Sage for water, and as Sage didn't respond, he grew angry and hung a dead snake around Sage's neck..Shringi, who was Shamik's ( the same sage whose neck was surrounded by a dead snake ) son, grew angry and gave a curse that whoever had done this sin would die in a week bitten by the Takshak nag. Knowing about the incident, King Parikshit gave up the throne and became a monk surrendering to Krishna Ji after King Parikshit Kaliyuga entered this world completely.

There are many other stories related to Kali Yuga, but these two are the main ones.

Some Symptoms of Kaliyuga as per Krishna Ji updates)

1) . The kali yuga will reduce the moral values of human beings. Loyalty, honesty, truth, and moral values will diminish with time.

2) All will run after money and lust and forget to reunite to attend spiritual sessions. Money will be the ultimate power in Kaliyuga. More money, more respect.

3) Good ones will suffer in Kaliyuga, and evil ones will enjoy everything. People will rush towards inner beauty and ignore the beautiful heart and mind. 

4)People will often look down on people who earn less and humiliate them. The poor people will suffer from the rich ones. Spirituality will vanish, and people will show up for public attention.

5) Small ponds, water reservoirs, and even home-built potholes will become pilgrimages. People will build sacred places in their comfort and then wash their sins. Filling the stomach and earning money anyhow will become the goal of life. The man who maintains a family would become a respected person compared to those who will choose a spiritual path.

6) People will travel to far places to offer prayers and will not serve humanity. Serving and respecting the parents will vanish, and humiliation will replace it.

7) The caste system will become equal, and people will indulge in cannibalism. Insecurity would spread everywhere.

8)The sins will rise so high that famine and natural disasters will occur worldwide. People will survive by eating leaves, roots, flesh, etc.

9) Humans' height will reduce, and girls will become pregnant at any age. People would fight over small issues and indulge in chaos every time for worldly things.

10)When things get worse, it will be the time for the 10th incarnation of Lord Kalki to take birth.

How can we survive the wrath of Lord Kalki Ji?

So it is advisable to start living a life of purity and praying to god, as it will help you save yourself from the 10th incarnation of Lord Vishnu Ji, Kalki. Once you attain the path of dharma and start serving people, you will develop spirituality, and you will be one of the people who will attain moksha in kali yuga.

Lord Kalki Ji


From where we can take knowledge of Kalki ?

You can get answers through kalki puran. You will get all information about kalki from puranas.

How can we survive the wrath of Lord Kalki?

Krishna Ji has stated that in kali Yuga , only recitation of Hari name is enough for survival.

What are 10 avatars ( incarnations ) of Vishnu Ji ?

Matsya; Kurma; Varaha; Narasimha; Vamana; Parashurama; Rama; Krishna or Balarama; Buddha or Krishna; and Kalki.

What is the birthplace of Kalki?

He will be born in Shambala, a place that is between the Himalayan Mountains and the Gobi Desert. It would be where everyone residing there would have already achieved enlightenment.

Who will be the parents of Kalki?

Lord Kalki was born to the most eminent Brahman at Kalyug, Visnu Yasa, and his wife, Sumati. He will be born between April 26 th and May 15. The day will be Baishaki on the 12th following the full moon day.

Who is Kalipurush, and who will kill him?

Kalipurush is the personified reflection of Kaliyuga and would be the protector of Kaliyuga. He is the main antagonist in Kaliyuga and will often face Lord Kalki. In the end, Lord Kalki will kill Kalipurush.

Is Kalipurush the protector of Kaliyuga?

Yes, Kalipurush is the protector of Kaliyuga and will try to stop Lord Kalki from ending the dark age.

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