Who is the most powerful god in hinduism? | Who Rules them all?
5 July 2024 | vedic-learnings
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Who is the most powerful god in hinduism? This question has been rising for some time on the internet. People are curious to know which god is the most powerful. So, to answer this question, we’ve come up with a new blog on our topic, “who is the most powerful god in hinduism?” While each of them have their unique abilities, it would be wrong to rank them. Because their power is for the welfare of the society.
Who is the most powerful god in hinduism!
However, Hindus consider Shiva as the most powerful god in Hinduism. They also know Shiva as “Devo ke Dev” (the god of gods). In addition, here’s a list of the top 10 most powerful god in hinduism. So, let’s begin with a quote from Bhagvat Geeta :
उद्धरेदात्मनात्मानं नात्मानमवसादयेत्। आत्मैव ह्रात्मनो बन्धुरात्मैव रिपुरात्मन:॥
Lord Shiva: Devon Ke Dev Mahadev
Shiva is unborn, he has neither beginning nor end. He is infinite in nature. Shiv ji is the perfect representation of the ultimate reality. Shiva is the god of destruction. He destroys for the sake of balance in the society. And his dance for destruction is “Shiv Tandava”. Despite possessing immense power, Shiva is extremely calm and gentle. He easily pleases and grants boons, whether to a Deva or an Asura. He never discriminates among his devotees. This is why he is called Bole nath. Means innocent god.
Read our blog about shiva’s 11 Rudra Name
Further, let’s know the dearest one of Shiva, i.e, Lord Vishnu.
Lord Vishnu
Lord Vishnu is considered the preserve of the universe and a part of the powerful trinity (त्रिमूर्ति). He protects while Brahma creates and Shiva destroys. On the other hand, as a protector, his duty is to protect dharma and vanish those who try to destroy it. Vishnu has taken avatar 9 times to protect and restore dharma and the people of the society. However, various predictions says that he will take his last or 10th incarnation in Ghor Kaliyuga. According to these predictions he will incarnate as Kalki and fight against Kalipurusha. It’s going to be an epic battle. But do you know when will Kalki avatar be born?
As we talk about trinity, let us know another member of this trinity.
Lord Brahma
Lord Brahma is the creator of the universe. In addition, Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh together form the trinity (त्रिमूर्ति). In Vedic culture, Brahma is also known as Prajapati. According to various puranic texts, Brahma was born from Vishnu’s navel in a lotus. Moreover, it is believed that Vedas are the words of Lord Brahma himself. These were later compiled into texts by various Sages. Whereas, Brahma’s four heads represent the four Vedas, symbolizing his immense knowledge and wisdom. Although, he is worshiped less among the Tridev. But still he is equally respected. Likewise Shiva, he also appears among his devotees and grants them boon.
Shree Ram
“राम”, a name which can make heavy rocks float into water. He is an eternal man. Known by various names, Shree Ram is the 7th incarnation of Lord Vishnu. As you learned before Vishnu takes avatar to restore dharma. Similarly, Ram was born to defeat a great threat “Ravana”. There are various scriptures which mention his character traits and his life. These includes; “Ramcharitramanas” and “Ramayana”. Shiv ji is not just a god, he is the ideal man. Shiv ji teaches us various life lessons which if incorporated in your life will solve all your problems. He also had a devotee and there’s no other devotee like him. His devotion was so true that even today he is waiting for his incarnation. Who is he?
Lord Hanuman
The son of Vayu Hanuman is the Rudra avatar of Lord Shiva and a great devotee of Vishnu. Legends hsa it that Hanuman still resides on earth as he is one of the 7 Chiranjivis or immortals. People believe that he will come out when Kalki will born and bestow him with wisdom. Moreover, Hanuman is one of the most esteemed gods in India. Not only in India, he is also worshiped in other parts of Asia including China. He is manifested as Brahmachari and was born with a purpose to assist Shree Ram and his brother Lakshman in the war against Ravana. He also played an important role in finding Devi Seeta. As he crossed the entire ocean on his way to Lanka in one jump. He reached Lanka and gave Shree Ram’s message to Seeta.
Lord Krishna
Krishna is the 8th incarnation of Lord Vishnu and one of the most prominent deities. He is known for his childhood mischiefs and his loving relationship with his foster parents. His real mother was Devaki who was the sister of “Kansa”. Who pledged to kill 8 sons of his sister. Because he was afraid that the prophecy might come true, that is, Devaki’s son would cause his death.Due to which his father Vasudev left him on the doors of Nanda Baba of Gokul. He also helped Pandavas in the Kurukshetra war. Where he bestowed great warrior Arjuna with the wisdom of Bhagvat Geet. One of his teachings from geeta says:
यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत:। अभ्युत्थानमधर्मस्य तदात्मानं सृजाम्यहम्॥
चतुर्थ अध्याय, श्लोक 7)
अर्थ: भगवान कृष्ण जी कहते हैं कि जब भी इस संसार में अधर्म फैलेगा, मैं अवतार लूंगा और अधर्म को नष्ट करके धर्म की पुनः स्थापना करूंगा। भगवान श्रीकृष्ण ने भगवान विष्णु के रूप में अपना वास्तविक रूप दिखाया और फिर यह कथन कहा।
Unsung Tales of Gods
In contrast, apart from the question, “who is the most powerful god in hinduism?” there are several stories related to them. Some of them are less popular. These includes:
- Shiva once blessed Shukracharya (the mentor of asuras) with the Sanjeevani Mantra which could bring the dead back to life. This is why they are called Bholenath.
- Lord Vishnu pledged to dedicate 1000 lotus to Shivling. Shiva, to test his devotion, hid one lotus. So, Vishnu dedicated his eye to the Shivling.
- People do not worship Lord Brahma due to the curse of Goddess Savitri, who is the wife of Lord Brahma.
Lord Ganesha
The son of the destroyer Shiva and Goddess Parvati, people revere Lord Ganesha as the remover of obstacles. He is worshiped as a deva with an elephant head. Also, he is very dear to his devotees. People worship Ganesha as the “विघ्नहर्ता”. Removes both physical and spiritual obstacles, paving the way for success and new beginnings. Their power lies in their ability to clear the way for our endeavors and provide wisdom to deal with the challenges of life. He blesses his devotees with wisdom, prosperity and good fortune, making him an important figure in Hinduism.
Lord Karthikeya or Murgan
Kartikeya, also known as Murugan is the eldest son of Shiva. Karthikeya is the embodiment of the power of war, victory, and wisdom in Hinduism. He is a youthful warrior god, often depicted riding a peacock. Karthikeya wields a powerful spear symbolizing his ability to pierce through ignorance and obstacles. People invoke Kartikeya for protection, strength, and overcoming challenges, revering him for his courage and unwavering devotion to righteousness. Also, he is Chief of the army of Gods.
Surya Dev
The Sun or Surya Dev(in Hindi), is also a prominent deity both in mythology and Astrology. He is a symbol of strength, leadership and father figure. Surya dev is not only the celestial body that sustains life with warmth and light, but also a powerful deity who symbolizes creation, health and drives away darkness. He is often shown riding a chariot drawn by seven horses. Also, the power of Surya dev is immense, as it covers the cycle of time, healing and illuminating the path towards knowledge and enlightenment.
Devraj Indra
Devraj means the God of gods. Thus, Indra is the god of gods and rules rain and thunder. His symbolism is similar to that of Zeus of the Greeks. He controls the weather, bringing rain and thunder with his mighty weapon, the Vajra. As a warrior god, he protects the world from demons and ensures balance. He remains a significant figure, symbolizing strength, protection, and the life-giving power of rain.
See Beyond Rankings
Finally, generations have passed down stories of Hindu gods and goddesses, filling childhoods with wonder, wisdom, and inspiration. However, these stories do not mean to create a competition of who is the most powerful god in Hinduism. Their stories, rather, are meant to inspire you with the teachings of these gods. So, remember that you should never differentiate among gods on the basis of their powers. Rather try to worship all of them and show some gratitude for what they’ve blessed you with.
Who can defeat Lord Shiva?
Charpatinath, once defeated Lord Shiva by using a supernatural power “Vatakarshana Vidya”.
Who are the most powerful gods in hinduism?
Here’s a list of top 10 most powerful gods in hinduism, they are:
- Lord Shiva
- Lord Vishnu
- Lord Brahma
- Shree Ram
- Lord Hanuman
- Lord Ganesha
- Lord Karthikeya or Murgan
- Surya Dev
- Devraj Indra
Who is the most powerful god?
Lord Shiva is the most powerful god. In Hindu Mythology, people know him as the God of DestructionAs Brahma is the creator, and Vishnu is the preserver, and Shiva is responsible for destruction.
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