Kundalini: The Power of Kundalini Yoga

3 July 2024 | yoga

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As they say, “Rise and shine,” yet for individuals who practice Kundalini Yoga, the awakening extends much beyond simply getting out of bed. Kundalini Yoga, which has origins in ancient Indian traditions, is a potent spiritual discipline that strives to awaken the body’s hidden Kundalini energy, causing deep physical, emotional, and spiritual transformation.

As it enables people to connect with their inner selves and the divine and become more cognizant of their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, this practice is sometimes described as the “yoga of awareness.” So let’s explore Kundalini Yoga’s universe and its revolutionary potential.

First let’s understand about Kundalini. 


The fundamental life force in existence is called kundalini. It is a form of spiritual energy located at the base of the spine. Example flowers are blossoming, students are listening to their teacher, someone is giving a speech. 

All of these are kundalini. It’s a piece of life. This peace of life is packed in a certain way with the layers of this energy. One dimension of energy comes alive immediately because it is necessary for survival. While the others remain dormant and are inactive and need certain methods to invoke them. 

Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga

  • Kundalini yoga is performed to activate the energy. 
  • It incorporates chanting, meditation, breathing exercises, and physical postures. 
  • It helps awakening and moving the energy up through the chakras, or energy centers, of the body. 
  • Have you watched Shaktiman ? The most favorite show of every kid in that period. It is a classical example of Kundalini yoga. 
  • Do you remember, he used to chant a mantra then his chakras started unlocking. From the root chakra to the crown chakra. One by one. It was very fascinating to see the transformation of shaktiman, wasn’t it? 
  • It enhances physical strength and flexibility, improves mental clarity and focus, and enhances spiritual awareness and connection.

    Kundalini Yoga

Origin and Philosophy

Kundalini yoga traces its roots back thousands of years to ancient India. Derived from the Sanskrit term “Kundalini”, meaning coiled serpent, this practice revolves around the concept of awakening the dormant spiritual energy residing at the base of the spine. According to Kundalini philosophy, this coiled energy has the potential to rise through the seven chakras, the body’s energy centers, leading to spiritual enlightenment and union with the divine. 

Origin and philosophy

Unique Characteristics

One of the distinguishing features of Kundalini Yoga is its dynamic blend of postures, breathwork, mantra chanting meditation, and specific hand gestures called mudras. The incorporation of these elements creates a universal practice that balances the mind, body, and spirit, facilitating a powerful energy flow and awakening of Kundalini. 

unique characteristics

Breathwork and Pranayama

Kundalini Yoga places a strong emphasis on conscious breathing techniques, known as pranayama. These techniques help regulate the flow of life force energy within the body, clearing energetic blockages and preparing the pathway for the awakened kundalini energy to ascend. 

Awakening Kundalini

The primary objective of Kundalini Yoga is to awaken the hidden Kundalini energy. This awakening process can be intense and transformative, as the energy rises through the chakras, purifying and releasing blockages along the way. It is guided by a Kundalini Yoga teacher who provides techniques, guidance, and support during this transformative journey. 

Kundalini in Daily Life

Kundalini Yoga is not confined to the yoga mat. Its essence lies in incorporating its teachings and principles into daily life. By integrating the wisdom and practices of Kundalini Yoga into our routines, we can experience a profound shift in our perception, relationships, and overall quality of life. 

About Practicing Kundalini Yoga

Practicing Kundalini Yoga

  • Chanting mantras help focus  the mind and connect with higher consciousness. It creates a vibrational energy and stimulates it in the body. Provides a balance in the nervous system. 
  • Breathing or pranayama is an essential part of Kundalini yoga. It enhances prana and calms the mind. Boosts the immune system by increasing oxygen levels. It can also help increase mental clarity and focus.

    practise kundalini yoga
  • During this whole practice, maintaining mudras is very important. These hand positions lock and direct the energy to different portions of the brain. These hand gestures enhance prana, balance the five elements, heal physical and emotional ailments, and amplify intentions.
  • Combining the above three practices together forms a Kriya. Kriya means action (set of exercise, here). Kriyas maintain balance of mind, body, and spirit. Creates a healthy and abundant life. It builds strength and flexibility, enhances mental clarity and balances the chakras. 

Benefits of Kundalini Yoga

Benefits of Kundalini Yoga

  • It helps treat stress and anxiety. As the breathing technique  used in Kundalini yoga helps to calm the mind and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. 
  • Kundalini yoga increases the dormant energy and invokes them at the base of the spine. It makes the practitioner more alert and energetic. 
  • It also improves the sleep cycle. It helps provide a sound sleep to the practitioner. Practicing it before bedtime is best as it calms down the mind and prepares the body for a restful night’s sleep. 

    Benefit of kundalini Yoga
  • It helps establish a connection to inner self, cultivating compassion, and letting go of self-judgment.
  • It helps awakening the inner self and enhances intuitions. As kundalini energy rises up through the chakras, which are associated with intuition and spiritual insights. 
  • It helps connect with the divine. Because kundalini yoga is a deeply spiritual practice that help individuals connect with the divine.

Closing Thoughts

Kundalini Yoga offers a transformative path for those seeking personal growth, spiritual evolution, and a deeper connection with their inner selves. Through its dynamic practices, ancient wisdom, and profound teachings, Kundalini Yoga has the potential to awaken the dormant power within each of us guiding us towards a life of greater awareness, joy, and fulfillment.

Closing thoughts


Embark on this journey of self-discovery, unlock your inner power, and explore the limitless potential of Kundalini Yoga. Step onto the path and witness the magic unfold as you connect with the divine essence that resides within you. 

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