Wall Clock Direction as Per Vastu & 12 Vastu Tips

4 July 2024 | vastu

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Money comes to you but does not stop. Does it get spent as soon as it arrives? The reason for this could be that the wall clock in the house is facing in the wrong direction. According to Vastu, a wall clock in the wrong direction may raise obstacles in your financial growth.

So, in this blog, let us see in which direction to hang your wall clock as per vastu. Plus, you will also get to know what things you should take care of. Let us see. 

Right Wall Clock Direction as per Vastu 

right wall clock direction

First of all, the right directions to hang a wall clock, as per vastu, are North, East, and West. It is because these directions are ruled by various gods. Such that the god of wealth, Kubera, rules the North. The god of rain and thunder, Devraj Indra, rules the East. Meanwhile, the god of rains, Varuna, rules the West direction. So, it will be a good idea to hang your wall clock on the wall in these directions. 

Avoid this Wall Clock Direction as per Vastu

Yam Raj, or Yama, is the god of death in Vedic culture. He rules the South direction. Therefore, you should not hang a wall clock in the south direction. The clock represents running time, and the south is the direction of death. So, try to avoid hanging the wall clock here. Apart from this, make sure you do not hang a wall clock in front of the main entrance. Moreover, if you have kept a wall clock in your bedroom, here are some things you must know. 

Is Bedroom a Right Place to Hang Wall Clock, As per Vastu

The bedroom is not the right place to hang a wall clock, as per vastu. Vastu Shastra strongly recommends avoiding keeping a wall clock here. But, if you already have a clock in your bedroom, then change its place. Now, hang it opposite to your bed. As per vastu, you should keep your wall clock away from the bed. So, either hang it on the opposite wall of your bed or remove it from there. But if the bedroom is not the right place for a wall clock, where should you hang it? 

Wall Clock in the Living Room, as per Vastu

The living room is the best place to keep a wall clock. Also, if you ask about the direction, we recommend the North direction. As per Vastu, a wall clock in the north direction brings prosperity and wealth. Another important thing is to keep the clock as high as the door. 

north wall

Furthermore, here are some more Vastu tips for a wall clock. You should pay special attention to these. 

12 Vastu Tips to Hang a Wall Clock in House

In Vastu Shastra, there are certain guidelines for the placement of objects to achieve harmony and balance. This includes wall clocks. The direction of the wall clock impacts the energy flow. So, here is a list of things you should keep in mind while hanging a wall clock. These are given below. 

Directions to keep & avoid Hanging a Wall Clock 

As discussed in the blog above, the directions for the wall clock are in the north and east directions. However, you can choose the West direction too. But remember, avoid the South direction. Plus, do not hang a wall clock in the bedroom or at the entrance. 

Ideal Shape for a Wall Clock as per Vastu 

As per Vastu, a round-shaped clock is the best for your house. It looks classic and it also promotes happiness and peace in your living space. So, when buying a wall clock, go for a round-shaped clock. 


Right Height to Hang a Wall Clock 

You should hang your wall clock as high as the door. Make sure it is not placed too high or low. Other than this, you can please it at the eye level.


Choose the Best Material for a Wall Clock

Now, the material of the objects kept in your living space also impacts your well-being. So, Vastu suggests keeping a wall clock made up of wood or metal. Avoid buying plastic wall clocks. Hang the wooden clock towards the East, while the North is good for a metal wall clock. 

Best Color for Wall Clock as Per Vastu

When selecting a clock for your house, always buy a white, grey, or metallic-colored wall clock. You can also go for sky blue, light green, cream, and other lighter shades. Vastu suggests avoiding darker tones. They attract negative energies. 

Avoid Broken or Stopped Wall Clocks

Broken or stopped clocks attract the negative energies of Rahu, as per Vastu. Thus, it adds obstacles in your way of wealth and prosperity. It is one of the reasons why money does not sustain inside your house. So, if a broken or stopped wall clock is in your house then remove it now. 

Clockwise Movement of Clock

The movement of the hands of the clock represents progress. So, it should be in the clockwise direction, as it shows increasing progress. The anti-clockwise movement shows a decrease in progress. And a stopped movement shows stopped progress. So, keep an eye on this. 

Do Not Hang a Wall Clock Outside 

Vastu strongly recommends avoiding hanging a wall clock or calendars outside the house. 

Ensure Proper functioning of Wall Clock

Make sure to check the batteries of your wall clock and if it is working properly or not. If there is a problem in the clock then consider repairing it immediately. If it could not be repaired then simply change it. Also, the glass of the clock should be clean and may not have cracks. 

Avoid Pendulum Wall Clocks 

Vastu also suggests to avoid keeping pendulum wall clocks. The swinging motion of the pendulum causes disharmony and disturbs sleep. 

Musical Wall Clock as per Vastu 

The principles of Vastu Shastra always favor a peaceful environment. So, a musical wall clock with chimes promotes positivity inside the house. 

A Wall Clock Should be a Few Minutes Ahead 

According to Vastu Shastra. A wall clock should be a few minutes ahead. It also represents an advancement in growth. However, if it is a few minutes behind, then it may cause problems in your success. 

Time Flies! 

Lastly, Vastu Shastra reminds us that time is precious. A well-placed wall clock can bring prosperity and peace. As the saying goes, “Kal ho naa ho!” so make the most of every moment. Choose the right direction for your wall clock to ensure a positive energy flow in your home! 


1.) What is the best direction for a wall clock, as per Vastu? 

As per Vastu, North is the best direction to hang your wall clock in the living room. Other than this, you can also consider the East direction too. But avoid hanging a wall clock in the South direction. 

2.) Where is the best place to hang a wall clock, as per Vastu? 

The Living room is the best place to hang a wall clock, as per Vastu. So, hang a wall clock in the North direction in this room. Meanwhile, the bedroom is not considered a good place for hanging a wall clock.

3.) Which wall clock is good, as per Vastu?

As per Vastu, a wall clock made of good-quality wood or metal is considered best. Moreover, you should opt for light-colored clocks, such as white, grey, light blue, and light green. Also, make sure it is round in shape and should not be in any other irregular shapes.

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