How Ram Died ? The Biggest Secret Revealed of Shri ram Death

5 July 2024 | vedic-learnings

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In the peaceful Kingdom of Ayodhya, time changed everything. How Ram died is a topic of debate? However, death is not the right term to use here. But, in this blog you’ll see how Shree Ram died? Did an Asura kill him? Did Rama die due to an illness? Who was responsible for this unfortunate act? Well, the answer is “Time”. In Vedic Culture it is called “Kaal”. Death comes for everyone. But remember, Shree Ram didn’t die. He’s within you, telling you not to leave the path of dharma. Also, you will read in this blog the sacrifices he made to maintain dharma. This shows that no matter what situations come and go, one should always stay on the path of dharma

A New Journey Begins 

The war between Shree Ram and Ravana had a happy end. Later Shree Ram was ruling the kingdom of Ayodhya with dedication. The people of Ayodhya were under the best administration. This was called Ramrajya. But when everything is going well, a storm comes and destroys everything.

Ramarajya Ends

Shree Ram ruled Ayodhya for 11000 years and now the time has come for Ramrajya to end.

Once, a sage appeared near the court of Shree Ram. His aura was bright like sunlight. He told Lakshaman that he wanted to talk to Rama in private. Till they talk, no one should come inside. If anyone comes inside then he will receive the death penalty by Rama.

Hearing this, Lakshman hurried and went to Rama quickly. He explained the scenario to Rama. However, Rama already knew who he was. He allowed him in. 

But who was the sage? Did he come to kill Rama? Does this shows how ram died? Let’s see. 

Time’s Up: Kaal Visits Rama himself

Shree ram left earth for his abode after he died by taking samadhi.

The sage was none other than Kaal (Time) himself. He bowed down to Rama and told that he was sent by Brahma (The Creator). He came to take Rama back to Vaikuntha (Vishnu’s Abode). 

He told Rama that the promise he made to protect the world has been fulfilled. He said, “The life span that you have planned for yourself in this incarnation has been completed.” 

Kaala informed Rama, “ It is time for you to return.”He asked Rama if he wanted to stay longer and watch the people, then he could stay. 

Rama told him that he was waiting for him too. 

Lakshman’s Sacrifice 

Lakshman was left to guard the door by Rama. Then Maharishi Durvasa came to the court in a hurry. He told Lakshman that he immediately wanted to speak to Rama. As the matter was serious. 

But Laksman didn’t allow him in. Hearing this, sage Durvasa became angry. He told Lakshman that if he did not allow him in then he would lay a devastating curse. Due to which the entire Ayodhya, its population and Raghukul will suffer.

Lakshman thought his death would be better than the curse. So, he went in and informed Rama that Durvasa was waiting outside. 

It Ended But at What Cost! 

Shri Ramchandraji had become low. His head was bowed down in sorrow. However, Lakshman realized that it’s all a play of time. He told Rama that the speed of time is tied to the deeds of past lives. And he should not suffer for him. 

He convinced Rama to kill him and fulfill his promise. Gently Lakshman said: 

यदि प्रीतिर्महाराज यद्यनुग्राह्यता मयि ।

जहि मां निर्विशङ्कस्त्वं धर्मं वर्धय राघव ॥ 

Means; Maharaj! If you love me and consider me worthy of your mercy, then give me the death penalty without any hesitation. 

Kill Or Abandon Lakshman!

In this tough situation, Sage Vashihstha came up with an alternative. He told Rama to abandon Lakshman. Because if he doesn’t fulfill his promise then dharma will disappear. All living beings, gods, sages, and the entire universe will destroy if dharma disappears. To protect dharma Rama decided to abandon Lakshman. 

Separation from Lakshman

In presence of all ministers and priests, Rama says: 

विसर्जये त्वां सौमित्रे मा भूद धर्मविपर्ययः। 

त्यागो बधो वा विहितः साधूनां तुभयं समम् ॥ 

Means; I abandon you so that dharma does not disappear. As sacrifice or killing of sages both are equal. 

Tears started flowing from Laxman’s eyes. Then, he went to the banks of the river Saryu and immersed himself in it. In Vedic culture, this act is called Samadhi. He folded his hands, controlled all his senses and stopped his vital force. 

Eventually, he stopped breathing. All the gods including Indra, and fairies started showering flowers on him. Then Lakshman disappeared from sight and Indra took him to heaven. 

Answer to “How Ram Died?”


The time of Rama’s departure has finally come. All the people of Ayodhya, Vanar Sena, Hanuman, Sughreev, Angadh, Jamvant and others crowded around him.  

All of them pleaded with Rama to take them along with him. Even Bharata, Rama’s brother, lost his senses. 

Rama was told to transfer the throne to Luv and Kush (children of Rama). Rama made Kush the king of South Kosala and Luv in North Kosala. 

Despite Ayodhya’s population’s efforts, Rama had to take a leave. He walked into the Sarayu River and took Samadhi. 

He also disappeared from human eye sight and merged with Lord Vishnu at Vaikuntha. This was how ram died. 

Is Death The Right Word?

In Vedic Culture, death is not the right way to describe the end of Vishnu Avatars. Instead of dying, the Avatars of Vishnu return to Vaikuntha after fulfilling their purpose.  They merge with Vishnu. 

Rama’s samadhi in Sarayu river is a spiritual metaphor for returning to divinity. This signifies merging with the source of life. Unlike human death, it’s more like a homecoming. His mission was to protect his people. Once his mission was complete, he took off his human form and returned to Vaikuntha.


Who killed Shree Ram?

Shree Ram wasn’t killed by anyone, however, he took Samadhi in the river Saryu by himself. However, his purpose of incarnation was fulfilled, so, Kaala Dev (Time) came to take him back to Vaikuntha.

At what age Rama died?

Rama died after 11000 years of Ramarajya. He died after fulfilling the purpose of his incarnation. 

Who almost killed Lakshman?

During the war, Indrajeet, son of Ravana, used Brahmastra over Lakshman. Due to its impact Lakshman became unconscious. However, Lord Hanuman bought the Sanjeevani Buti and saved his life. 

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