Panchmukhi Hanuman: Benefits of chanting Panchmukhi Hanuman

4 July 2024 | vedic-learnings

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So, in our previous blog, you read the story of Makardhwaja, the Son of Hanuman. Now, in this blog, we’ve come up with another part of the same story. In this part, you will see how Hanuman ji rescued Shree Ram and Lakshman ji when Ahiravan kidnapped them. Let’s see why Hanuman Ji had to take the  Panchmukhi Avatar. At the same time, you will see why devotees worship this avatar of Hanuman Ji in 5 ways. 

What is Panchmukhi Hanuman 

First of all, understand who Panchmukhi Hanuman is. Well, starting with the name, “Panch” means five, “Mukhi” means face. Thus, this name translates as the “five-faced” avatar of Hanuman Ji. At the same time, Hanuman ji took this avatar to defeat Ahiravan, brother of the powerful Rakshasa Ravana. He was an expert in black magic and tantra and the ruler of the Patal Lok. But this avatar of Hanuman ji has its significance. So, let’s see what it is.

Benefits of Worshiping Panchmukhi Hanuman

Moreover, Hanuman ji himself is a great bhakta of Shree Ram. His devotees also worship him equally. However, this avatar of Hanuman ji has a separate importance.

  • It signifies control over yourself and attentiveness.
  • Plus, each face of this avatar represents protection for the Hanuman Bhakts.
  • If you worship this avatar of Hanuman Ji, you will receive the blessings of wealth, good health, and success.
  • The five faces represent the five elements and five directions, bringing balance and harmony to your life.
  • Also, as per Vastu Shastra, keeping an idol of this avatar of Hanuman Ji in the home removes negative energy and creates a positive Vastu.

5 Ways to Worship Panchmukhi Hanuman

Additionally, the devotees worship this avatar in 5 ways. Each of them represents how Hanuman ji worships Shree Ram. Thus, Hanuman Bhaktas offer him prayers in the same way. Furthermore, the 5 ways by which Hanuman ji’s bhaktas offer puja to this avatar are mentioned below. These include:

  • Naman: signifies the way Hanuman ji bows down in front of Shree Ram.
  • Smaran: represents how Hanuman ji is always busy remembering Shree Ram.
  • Keerthan: singing hymns in praise of Ram ji.
  • Yachnam: requesting for Shree Ram’s affection
  • Arpanam: complete surrender among Ram ji as a devotee.

What do 5 Faces of Panchmukhi Avatar 

Additionally, the five faces of this avatar are facing in different directions. At the same time, each of them signifies a unique meaning. So, the five faces are:

  • Hanuman Ji: This face faces the East direction. It blesses the devotees with mental clarity and removes all the sins from your life.
  • Narsimha: This face faces the South direction. It is important as it removes your fear of enemies. It blesses you with the protection of Narasimha, who protected his devotee Prahlad.
  • Garuda:  This face faces west and protects you from black magic and the evil eye. It also shows Garuda, the vahana of Bhagavan Vishnu, who represents knowledge beyond death.
  • Varaha: This face faces the North direction and is important because it blesses you with Ashta Aishwarya. Means eight types of wealth.
  • Hayagriva: Facing Upwards, this face blesses you with knowledge, success, happy married life and blesses you with children.

What is the Story Of Panchmukhi Hanuman? 

Finally, let’s move on to the story. So, the story begins after Lakshman ji defeats Indrajeet, son of rakshasa Ravana. After watching this, an angry Ravana calls his brother Ahiravan. Like his brother, Ahiravan is also a great rakshasa. He is the ruler of Patal lok and knows all kinds of black magic, tantra, and voodoo. Then, Vibhishan comes to know that Ahiravan has joined the battle. So, he immediately warns Hanuman ji to be attentive and not let anyone enter the camp of Shree Ram and Lakshman at any cost.

Ahiravan Disguise Himself as Vibhishan

Therefore, Hanuman ji attentively guards Shree Ram and Lakshman ji. He spoils all the attempts of Ahiravan. Thus, Ahiravan disguises himself as Vibhishan. He goes to the camp where Shree Ram and Lakshman ji are sleeping. Although Hanuman Ji stops him, he still doesn’t realize his true identity. So, he allows him to go inside. Then Ahiravan kidnaps Ram ji and Lakshman ji. Soon, this happens; Vibhishan informs Hanuman and tells him to rescue them immediately because any delay could cost the lives of Ram and Lakshman ji. 

Hanuman Ji Finds His Son Makardhwaj in Patal Lok

After knowing this Hanuman ji immediately goes to Patal Lok. There he saw a unique creature who was looking both like a monkey and a sea creature. When Hanuman asks him about himself then he becomes surprised. He was Hanuman ji’s son, Makardhwaj. And due to his abilities, Ahiravan made him the gatekeeper of Patal Lok. Also, he tasked him to stop Hanuman from coming inside. After knowing this Hanuman ji became surprised. Although he is a Brahmachari then how he has a son.  Well this question is already answered in our previous blog, so go and check it out.

Final Showdown:  Panchmukhi Avatar vs Ahiravan

After that, Hanuman Ji defeats his son in a devastating battle and heads toward the Patal Lok. Meanwhile, Ahiravan and Mahiravan were waiting for him with their army. However, Chandrasena (serpent queen captured by Ahiravan) warns Hanuman about this and tells him the secret to defeat Ahiravan. She said that the only way to beat him was to blow five days in five different directions at the same time. So, Hanuman ji takes Panchmukhi avatar and blows five separate diyas. This broke the spell caused by Ahiravan, and eventually, Hanuman Ji defeated him. 

Read our Blog: Top 21 Study Room Vastu Tips

Five Weapons of Panchmukhi Hanuman

So, below mentioned are the weapons which Hanuman ji used in this avatar. These are:

  • Parshu
  • Khanda
  • Chakra
  • Dhaal
  • Gada
  • Trishul
  • Kumbh
  • Kataar 
  • A bowl filled with blood and a Gada

Why You Should Chant Panchmukhi Hanuman Kavach? 

Moreover, there is a devotional text dedicated to this avatar of Hanuman Ji; it is the Panchmukhi Hanuman Kavach, and it is also available on YouTube. Meanwhile, here are the benefits of chanting it: 

  • It protects from evil forces and negative energies. 
  • It helps you overcome your fear and gain courage. 
  • If you worship this avatar of Hanuman with this Kavach, then Hanuman ji blesses you with a peaceful life. 
  • This Kavach strotra protects you from ghosts and evil spirits. 

Final Thoughts 

In conclusion, this story of Panchmukhi Hanuman shows Hanuman Ji’s loyalty towards Shri Ram and Lakshman. He fought with his son to save the life of his Lord. Ultimately,  he taught his son Makardhwaj to follow the path of religion. Also, the five faces of this incarnation of Hanuman ji teach us to be careful. Because no one knows if many problems arise at the same time in your life. So you should be ready to go through it.


Is Panchmukhi Hanuman good for home?

As per Vedic tradition, you should keep an idol (pratima) of Panchmukhi Hanuman in your house. Because it protects you from the evil impacts of black magic and Tantra. However, the front of your main door is the best place to keep it to attract wealth and prosperity.

How should I worship Panchumkhi Hanuman?

You can keep the idol of Panchmukhi Hanuman at the front door or puja ghar. If you place it in the puja ghar then make sure it faces the Southwest direction of your house and offer pooja to it daily.

Is Panchmukhi Hanuman more powerful?

Of course, because in his Panchmukhi Avatar, Hanuman Ji has the additional powers of different avatars such as Hayagriva, Varaha, Narasimha, and Garuda..

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