Hakini Mudra to Reboot your Brain & its 6 Benefits

27 July 2024 | yoga

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Why Hakini Mudra is Used: Reboot your Brain with this Mudra

Everyone is struggling and has their own problems they are dealing with. Due to this they sometimes feel frustrated, irritable, sad and angry. Further, this leads to a lack of memory power and concentration. Thus, we have come up with a powerful mudra that is the Hakini Mudra. This mudra is a traditional yogic hand gesture. So, let’s see how you can perform it and unlock 100% of your brain.

What is Hakini Mudra, Never Heard of It!

So, if you haven’t heard of this madura yet, then let's understand what it is. Hakini Mudra is a sacred hand gesture (hasta mudra). It is widely practised in the yogic tradition. As it helps improve focus, concentration and memory. Moreover, by doing this mudra you channel the flow of prana (vital energy force) throughout your body. And, this mudra acts like a seal which protects the prana energy to not flow outside.

What’s so special about the name of Hakini Mudra?

Now, let's see where this name came from. Well, the term “Hakini Mudra” comes from the Sanskrit language. Here, “Hakini” refers to power, dominance or rule. While “Mudra” means a gesture or a seal. Therefore, the entire meaning is interpreted as the seal of power. Thus, it makes you capable of ruling your mind. Which is very important at present. Because if you are dealing with any sort of emotional, physical and mental issues, then it helps a lot. However, this name also comes from Hakini Devi.

Hakini Devi and Her Mudra

Furthermore, if you go deeper into Yogic tradition, you will find that there are 7 yoginis who represent 7 chakras.  Whereas, here, Hakini represents the third eye chakra or Ajana. Thus, it improves your creativity, focus, and mental clarity. Also, if you have anxiety issues then you can also do this mudra. Honestly, you will feel relieved after practising it properly. Because, if you want positive results then you have to start believing in it. So, you have to form an intention of doing it. Now, let's see how to perform this mudra. So that you can perform it correctly.

Right Way of Doing the Hakini Mudra

Come on and let’s see a step-by-step guide for practising this mudra. It goes like: 

  • Start by sitting comfortably in the sukhasana pose. 
  • Then take your time to settle down. 
  • Done? Now, slightly shift your focus on the middle of your eyebrows. 
  • But keep it natural. Don’t force yourself to focus. 
  • Finally when you are able to focus, raise your hands slowly. 
  • Bring them close like you are trying to collect something into it. 
  • Gently touch the fingertips of both of your hands. 
  • Don’t let the palms touch each other. 
  • Just touch the tips. 
  • Cover the roof of your mouth with your tongue. 
  • Remember to keep it relax and practice it for 20 to 30 minutes daily. 

Benefits of Hakini Mudra 

Now, you know how to practice this mudra, so let's understand how it works.

Recharges your Brain

This mudra re-energizes your brain, thus, improving brain functioning. Also, it improves your mental health too which affects your lifestyle.

Increases Intuition Power

Moreover, when you focus between your eyebrows, it enhances your intuition powers. Therefore, you should focus on it for at least 1 minute. It is a good goal for starting.

Benefits of Hakini Mudra 

Creating Energy Barrier

As you know, Hakini mudra creates a barrier which does not let your energy flow outside. On the other hand, your fingertips have energy points so when you join them it works like a circuit. The current (means energy here) starts to circulate in the entire body.

Beneficial for Senior Citizens

Moreover, practicing this mudra helps sharpen your memory. Which is good for senior citizens too. As they get older, they develop forgetfulness. So, it protects them from this condition.

Beneficial for Youngsters

Additionally, this mudra also gives a positive result to the youngsters who are appearing in any competitive exam. So, if you are also appearing in a competitive exam then you should start practicing this mudra daily.

Improves Concentration and Focus

This mudra, by energising the brain improves focus and concentration. Therefore, promoting more innovative ideas in your mind.

Read Our Blogs: Gayatri Mantra Benefits

Problems that you might Face While doing Hakini Mudra

In contrast, this mudra may have beneficial properties but sometimes it causes a slight discomfort. For example, when you focus on your third eye, it may cause a slight headache. Or you might feel dizzy. Well, this is absolutely very normal in the beginning. But with regular practice these things will automatically improve.


Final Thoughts on this Mudra

In summary, Hakini mudra calms your mind and gives clarity of mind. Thus, improving your decision making skills. Therefore, you can make important decisions in your life with more clarity and confidence. Also, remember that you have to trust the process. As you will not get any returns until you don’t have faith in it. So, in conclusion, practice this mudra regularly with a positive intention. And observe its benefits later.


How long should I practice Hakini Mudra?

As a beginner, you should start by holding it for 8 to 10 minutes. Gradually, when you keep practicing, you can increase the duration up to 15 minutes. Whereas, if you are a regular mediation practitioner you can do it for 30 minutes.

Does Hakini Mudra unlock a Chakra?

Yes, the Hakini Mudra helps in balancing or unblocking the Ajana or Third Eye Chakra. As while practicing this mudra you focus on the third eye chakra. Thus, with constant practice it increases your intuition, mental clarity, and focus.

Can I perform Hakini Mudra during or after an injury or surgery?

It is advised that you should not perform this mudra if you have just healed from an injury or surgery. Because any pain during the practice cand divert your focus.

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