Want to know about Panchang? You're in the right place! At Vedic Meet, we offer today's Panchang prepared by our vedic astrologers to ensure it's accurate and helpful. It gives you the best times of the day, the positions of the planets, and important rituals, so you can plan your day better and make the right choices.
As we all know people always check the muhurat (good time) before starting any important work. This is because they believe it is important to look at the Panchang, which is an ancient Hindu calendar.
Today's Panchang is important because it helps you plan your day better. It shows the best times for different activities, tells you about the positions of the planets, and guides you on important rituals. By using it, you can avoid bad times and make sure you do things at the right time.
This can bring more success and harmony to your life, whether you're planning a big event or just going about your daily tasks.
The five elements that make up today's Panchang are Tithi, Vara (day of the week), Nakshatra, Yoga, and Karana. These are used to determine auspicious times. Understanding these five elements and the various good or bad times they create is very important.
On the day of Amavasya, the Sun and the Moon are in the same zodiac sign. After that, as the Sun and Moon move in their paths, the distance they create is called Tithi. Each Tithi is 120 degrees apart. When 360 degrees are completed, the Sun and Moon come together in the same zodiac sign again, marking one lunar month.
The time it takes for the Sun and Moon to create a 120-degree distance is called the Bhogakala of the Tithi. The starting time of the Tithi is recorded in today 's Panchang. To find it, you subtract the zodiac position of the Sun from that of the Moon, divide the result by 12, and the quotient tells you the number of elapsed Tithis. The remainder indicates the part of the current Tithi, which is then converted into hours and minutes and recorded in today's Panchang.
When the phases of the Moon increase during the Tithi (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.), it is called Shukla Paksha, and when the phases decrease, it is called Krishna Paksha. Thus, a lunar month has two fortnights. When the Moon is fully illuminated, it is called Purnima, and when it is completely dark, it is called Amavasya.
When observing things, we usually notice the best things first, followed by things that are similar or slightly lesser. According to this rule, our sages first noticed the Sun, so the first day of the week (Sunday) is dedicated to the Sun. Next, they noticed the Moon, so the second day (Monday) is for the Moon.
Below the Sun's orbit is the Moon's orbit, followed by the orbits of Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn.
The first element of today’s panchang is days/vaar. According to the Muhurta Chintamani (A Prominent Muhurat Shastra)
The second element of today’s panchang is Tithi. According to Muhurat Ganpati (A prominent Muhurat Shastra)
नवमी दशमी चैकादशी द्वादशी ततः ।,
,त्रयोदशी ततो ज्ञेया वतः प्रोक्ता चतुर्दशी ॥ २ ॥,
,पौर्णिमा शुक्लपक्षे सा कृष्णपक्षे त्वमा स्मृता ।,
,दशमी, १०, एकादशी ११. द्वादशी १२, तेरस १३, चौदस १४ शुक्ल पक्ष में,
,पूर्णिमा १५,
,और कृष्ण पक्ष में अमावास्या ३० होती है।॥,
In the Hindu calendar, there are fifteen lunar days, known as "tithis." They begin with the first day after the new moon (Amavasya) and end with the full moon (Purnima). These Tithi are named as follows:
Each tithi has a special god or goddess linked to it. It is good luck to do certain activities on specific tithi. For example, weddings and happy events are done on good tithis. Some tithi are not good for certain activities, so those are avoided.
विवाहोत्सवयात्रा च प्रतिष्ठा वास्तुकर्म च।,
,कुर्याच्चौलादिकां कृष्णे न शुक्ले प्रतिपत्तिथौ ॥ २० ॥
On the 1st day (Pratipada) in Krishna Paksha (dark fortnight), you should do things like weddings, travels, setting up new things, and building houses. But don't do these things on the 1st day in Shukla Paksha (bright fortnight).
राज्यकार्य विवाहादि मङ्गलं वास्तुभूषणम् ।,
,व्रतबन्धः प्रतिष्ठा च द्वितीयायां तिथौ स्मृतम् ॥ २१ ॥
On the 2nd day (Dvitiya), you should do government work, weddings, and other happy activities. You can also build houses, make ornaments, and have initiation ceremonies.
अन्नप्राशनसङ्गीतविद्यासीमन्तशिल्पकम् ।,
,द्वितीयाप्रोक्तमखिलं तृतीयाया प्रशस्यते ॥ २२ ॥
On the 3rd day (Tritiya), you should do rice feeding ceremonies, play music, study, paint, and do all the activities you do on the 2nd day (Dvitiya).
शत्रूणां वधवन्धादिविपशस्त्राग्नियोजनम् ।,
,कर्तव्यं तच्चतुर्थ्यां तु नैव सन्मङ्गलं क्वचित् ॥ २३ ॥
On the 4th day (Chaturthi), you can do things like defeating enemies, tying up, using poison, fighting with weapons, and setting fires. Do not do any happy or good activities on this day.
शुभकर्माणि सर्वाणि स्थिराणि च चराणि च।,
,बिना यान्ति मुसिद्ध पञ्चमीदिने ॥ २४ ॥
On the 5th day (Panchami), you can do all good, stable, and moving activities. However, do not lend money on this day.
दन्तकाष्ठगमाभ्यङ्गॉस्त्यक्त्वाथो शिल्पकर्म च ।,
,रणवास्तुविभूपादि पष्ठयां सिद्धघति मङ्गलम् ॥ २५ ॥
On the 6th day (Shashthi), do not use a wooden toothbrush, massage with oil, or paint. Activities like war, building houses, and making ornaments are successful.
गजकृत्यं विवाहादि सङ्गीतं वस्त्रभूषणम् ।,
,यात्राप्रवेशसङ्ग्रामाः सिद्धधेयुः सप्तमीतिथौ ॥ २६ ॥
On the 7th day (Saptami), you can do things like working with elephants, having marriage ceremonies, playing music, making clothes, creating ornaments, travelling, and moving to a new place. These activities will be successful.
नृत्यं स्त्रीरत्नभूषादिसङ्ग्रामाः शस्त्रधारणम् ।,
,वास्तुशिल्पादिकं कार्यमष्टम्यां सिद्धिमाप्नुयात् ॥ २७ ॥
On the 8th day (Ashtami), you can dance, work with women, make jewellery and ornaments, go to war, carry weapons, build houses, and paint. These activities will be successful.
विग्रहः कलहो द्यूतं मद्यभाखेटकस्तथा ।,
,विषाग्निशस्त्रकृत्यं च नवम्यां सिद्धिमाप्नुयात् ॥ २८ ॥
On the 9th day (Navami), you can have disputes, quarrels, gamble, drink alcohol, hunt, use poison, and do things with fire and weapons. These activities will be successful.
विवाहादि शुभार्यं भूषायात्राप्रवेशनम् ।,
,गजाश्वनृपकार्याणि सिद्धथन्ति दशमी दिने ॥ २९ ॥
On the 10th day (Dashami), you can have marriage ceremonies, do good activities, make ornaments, travel, move to a new place, work with elephants and horses, and do royal activities. These activities will be successful.
व्रतवन्धो विवाहादि रणः शिल्पं सुरोत्सवः ।,
,व्रतवन्धो विवाहादि रणः शिल्पं सुरोत्सवः ।
On the 11th day, you can start new lessons, get married, fight, paint, celebrate festivals, travel, and move to a new home. These things will go well on this day.
चरस्थिराणि कार्याणि विवाहव्रतबन्धनम् ।,
,द्वादश्यां तत्प्रकुर्वीत तैलयात्रादिकं त्यजेत् ॥ ३१ ॥
On the 12th day, you can do things like moving around, staying still, getting married, and starting new lessons. But don't use oil or travel on this day.
यात्राप्रवेशसङ्ङ्ग्रामवस्त्रभूषणमङ्गलम् ।,
,व्रतबन्धं विनान्यत्र शुभा शुक्लत्रयोदशी ॥ ३२ ॥
On the 13th day, you should do things like travelling, moving to a new place, fighting, wearing new clothes, putting on jewellery, and happy celebrations. But don't start new lessons or ceremonies on this day.
विषवन्धाग्निशस्त्रादि प्रकुर्यादुष्टकर्म च।,
,चतुर्दश्यां शुभं कर्म क्षौरं यात्रां विवर्जयेत् ॥ ३३ ॥
On the 14th day, you can do things like using poison, tying things up, and using fire and weapons. These things will go well. But don't do good and happy things, don't shave, and don't travel.
माङ्गल्यं भूषणं शिल्पं प्रतिष्ठां यज्ञकर्म च ।,
,सङ्ग्रामो गृहकृत्यं च पौर्णमास्यां प्रसिद्धघति ॥ ३४ ॥
On the 15th day, you can do good things like ceremonies, wearing jewellery, painting, setting things up, doing special rituals, fighting, and doing house activities. These things will go well on this day.
अग्न्याधानं महादानं पितृयागादिकं च यत्।,
,प्रोक्तं कर्म प्रकर्तव्यं दर्श नान्या शुभा क्रिया ॥ ३५ ॥
On Amavasya (New Moon day), you should do fire rituals, give big donations, do rituals for your ancestors, and perform special ceremonies. Other activities are not good on this day.
तिथिशा बह्निधात्रम्बा हेरम्बोरगषण्मुखाः,
,रवीशाम्बा यमो विश्वहरिस्मरशिवेन्दवः ।,
,अमावास्यातिभेरीशाः पितरः संप्रकीर्तिता: ॥
In simple terms, there are different gods for each day in the lunar month, both for the waxing (bright) and waning (dark) phases. Here is the list:
1. Pratipada (1st day)- Agni (fire god)
2. Dvitiya (2nd day)- Brahma (creator god)
3. Tritiya (3rd day) - Gauri (Parvati)
4. Chaturthi (4th day) - Ganesha
5. Panchami (5th day) - Nagas (snakes)
6. Shashthi (6th day) -6 Skanda (Kartikeya)
7. Saptami (7th day) - Surya (sun god)
8. Ashtami (8th day) - Shiva
9. Navami (9th day) - Durga
10. Dashami (10th day) - Yama (god of death)
11. Ekadashi (11th day) - Vishvedeva (group of gods)
12. Dwadashi (12th day) - Vishnu
13. Trayodashi (13th day) - Kamadeva (god of love)
14. Chaturdashi (fourteenth day) – Shiva
15. Purnima (full moon day) - Chandra (moon god)
16. Amavasya (new moon day) - Pitru (ancestors)
The gods assigned to each day should be worshipped on their respective days. For example:
Use these names to remember which god rules which day. For example, Vishnu is for Dvadashi, Kamadeva for Trayodashi, and so on.
A Nakshatra is a star or a group of stars in the sky. In astrology, Nakshatras, which are a key component of today's Panchang, are used to tell about a person's life and future. There are 27 Nakshatras in total, and each one has a special meaning.
When a person is born, the position of the moon in a Nakshatra is noted. This Nakshatra can tell many things about the person, like their nature, habits, and future.
According to Mansagri a prominent Jyotish Shastra results of a person born on a particular Nakshatra are below:
सुरूपः सुभगो दक्षः स्थूलकायो महाधनी।,
,अश्विनीसम्भवो लोके जायते जनवल्लभः ॥१॥
A person born in Ashwini Nakshatra is handsome, lucky, skilled in work, has a big body, is wealthy, and is popular.
अरोगः सत्यवादी च सत्प्रणश्च दृढव्रतः।,
,भरण्यां जायते लोकः सुसुखी धनवानपि ॥२॥
A person born in Bharani Nakshatra is healthy, truthful, good-natured, determined, happy, and rich.
कृपणः पापकर्मा च क्षुधालुर्नित्यपीडितः।,
,अकर्म कुरुते नित्यं कृत्तिकासम्भवो नरः ॥३॥
A person born in Krittika Nakshatra is miserly, sinful, always hungry, troubled, and does bad deeds.
धनी कृतज्ञो मेधावी नृपमान्यः प्रियंवदः।,
,सत्यवादी सुरूपश्च रोहिण्यां जायते नरः ॥४॥
A person born in Rohini Nakshatra is wealthy, grateful, intelligent, respected by kings, sweet-spoken, truthful, and good-looking.
चपलश्चतुरो धीरः कूटकर्मस्वकर्मकृत्।,
,अहङ्कारी परद्वेषी मृगे भवति मानवः ॥५॥
A person born in Mrigasira Nakshatra is restless, clever, patient, makes fake things, selfish, proud, and envious of others.
कृतघ्नः गर्वितो हीनो नरः पापरतः शठः।,
,आर्द्रनक्षत्रसम्भूतो धनधान्यविवर्जितः ॥६॥
A person born in Ardra Nakshatra is ungrateful, arrogant, poor, sinful, and cunning.
शान्तः सुखी च सम्भोगी सुभगो जनवल्लभः।,
,पुत्रमित्रादिभिर्युक्तो जायते च पुनर्वसौ ॥७॥
A person born in Punarvasu Nakshatra is calm, happy, enjoys comforts, good-looking, popular, and blessed with children and friends.
देव-धर्म-धनैर्युक्तः पुत्रयुक्तो विचक्षणः।,
,पुष्ये च जायते लोकः शान्तात्मा सुभगः सुखी ॥८॥
A person born in Pushya Nakshatra believes in gods and religion, is wealthy, has children, wise, peaceful, good-looking, and happy.
सर्वभक्षी कृतांतश्च कृतघ्नो वञ्चकः खलः।,
,आश्लेषायां नरो जातः कृतकर्मा हि जायते ॥९॥
A person born in Ashlesha Nakshatra eats everything, is cruel, ungrateful, deceitful, wicked, and hardworking.
बहुभृत्यो धनी भोगी पितृभक्तो महोद्यमी। ,
,चमूनाथो राजसेवी मघायां जायते नरः ॥१०॥
A person born in Magha Nakshatra has many servants, is rich, enjoys life, devoted to parents, hardworking, a leader of an army, or serves a king.
विद्या-गो-धनसंयुक्तो गम्भीरः प्रमदाप्रियः। ,
,पूर्वाफाल्गुनिकाजातः सुखी पण्डितपूजितः ॥११॥
A person born in Purva Phalguni Nakshatra is knowledgeable, has cows and wealth, serious, loved by women, happy, and respected by scholars.
दान्तः शूरो मृदुर्वक्ता धनुर्वेदार्थपण्डितः। ,
,उत्तराफाल्गुनीजातो महायोद्धा जनप्रियः ॥१२॥
A person born in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra has self-control, is brave, gentle, good at speaking, skilled in archery, a great warrior, and popular.
असत्यवचनो धृष्टः सुरापी बन्धुवर्जितः। ,
,हस्ते जातो नरश्चौरो जायते पारदारिकः ॥१३॥
A person born in Hasta Nakshatra is a liar, bold, drinks alcohol, without relatives, a thief, and interested in others' wives.
पुत्रदारयुतस्तुष्टो धनधान्यसमन्वितः।,
,देवब्राह्मणभक्तश्च चित्रायां जायते नरः ॥१४॥
A person born in Chitra Nakshatra has children and a wife, is content, has wealth, and is a devotee of gods and Brahmins.
विदग्धो धार्मिकश्चैव कृपणः प्रियवल्लभः।,
,सुशीलो देवभक्तश्च स्वातौ जातो भवेन्नरः ॥१५॥
A person born in Swati Nakshatra is smart, religious, stingy, popular, well-behaved, and a devotee of gods.
अतिलुब्धोऽतिमानी च निष्ठुरः कलहप्रियः।,
,विशाखायां नरो जातो वेश्याजनरतो भवेत् ॥१६॥
A person born in Vishakha Nakshatra is very greedy, proud, harsh, loves to argue, and is interested in prostitutes.
पुरुषार्थी प्रवासी च बन्धुकार्ये सदोद्यमी।,
,अनुराधाभवो लोकः सदा हृष्टश्च जायते ॥१७॥
A person born in Anuradha Nakshatra is hardworking, travels for work, helps relatives, and is always happy.
बहुमित्रः प्रधानश्च कविर्दानी विचक्षणः।,
,ज्येष्ठाजातो धर्मरतो जायते शूद्रपूजितः ॥१८॥
A person born in Jyeshtha Nakshatra has many friends, is a leader, poet, generous, wise, religious, and respected by common people.
सुखेन युक्तो धनवाहनाढ्यो हिंस्त्रो बलाढ्यः स्थिरकर्मकर्ता।,
,प्रतापितारातिजनो मनुष्यो मूले कृती स्याञ्जननं प्रपन्नः ॥११॥
A person born in Moola Nakshatra is happy, has wealth and vehicles, is violent, strong, does steady work, conquers enemies, and is a scholar.
दृष्टमात्रोपकारी च भाग्यवांश्च ,
,पूर्वाषाढाभवो नूनं सकलार्थविचक्षणः ॥२०॥
A person born in Purva Ashadha Nakshatra helps those in need, is lucky, popular, and skilled in all tasks.
बहुमित्रो महाकायो जायते विजयी सुखी।,
,उत्तराषाढ़सम्भूतः शूरश्च विनयी भवेत् ॥२१॥
A person born in Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra has many friends, is big and tall, victorious, happy, brave, and humble.
कृतज्ञः सुभगो दाता गुणैः सर्वैश्च संयुतः।,
,श्रीमान् बहुलसन्तानः श्रवणे जायते नरः ॥२३॥
A person born in Shravana Nakshatra is grateful, good-looking, generous, has many good qualities, is wealthy, and has many children.
गीतप्रियो बन्धुमान्यो हेमरत्नैरलङ्कृतः।,
,जातो नरो धनिष्ठायां शतकैस्य पतिर्भवेत् ॥२४॥
A person born in Dhanishta Nakshatra loves music, is respected by relatives, has gold and jewels, and is a leader of many people.
कृपणो धनपूर्णः स्यात्परदारोपसेवकः।,
,जातः शतभिषायां च विदेशे कामुको भवेत् ॥२५॥
A person born in Satabhisha Nakshatra is miserly, wealthy, interested in others' wives, and desires to live abroad.
वक्ता सुखी प्रजायुक्तो बहुनिद्रो निरर्थकः।,
,पूर्वाभाद्रपदायां च जातो भवति मानवः ॥२६॥
A person born in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra is a good speaker, happy, has children, sleeps a lot, and wastes time.
गौरः ससत्त्वो धर्मज्ञः शत्रुघाती परामरः।,
,उत्तरभाद्रसम्भूतो नरः साहसिको भवेत् ॥२७॥
A person born in Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra is fair-skinned, strong, righteous, defeats enemies, appears like a god, and is brave.
सम्पूर्णाङ्गः शुचिर्दक्षः साधुः शूरोविचक्षणः।,
,रेवतीसम्भवो लोके धनधान्यैरलङ्कृतः ॥२८॥
A person born in Revati Nakshatra has a well-built body, is pure, skilled, saintly, brave, wise, and has plenty of wealth and grains.
In astrology, Yoga means how the planets are lined up in the sky. These positions, which are part of today's Panchang, can change different parts of your life. People believe these planet positions can shape who you are, your luck, and what happens in your life.
According to Mansagri a prominent Jyotish Shastra.
विष्कम्भजातो मनुजो रूपवान् भाग्यवान् भवेत् ।,
,नानाऽलङ्कारसम्पूर्णो महाबुद्धिर्विशारदः ॥१॥
In Vishkambha Yoga, a person is born looking beautiful, lucky, wearing nice jewellery, very smart, and good at many things.
प्रीतियोगे समुत्पन्नो योषितां वल्लभोभवेत् ।,
,तत्त्वज्ञश्च महोत्साही स्वार्थे नित्यकृतोद्यमः ॥२॥
In Preeti Yoga, a person is born loved by women, knows a lot about rules, is very excited, and works hard to reach their own goals.
आयुष्मन्नामयोगे च जातो मानी धनी कविः ।,
,दीर्घायुः सत्त्वसम्पन्नो युद्धे चाप्यपराजितः ॥३॥
In Ayushman Yoga, one is born esteemed, wealthy, poetic, with long life, endowed with strength, and undefeated in battles.
सौभाग्ये च समुत्पन्नो राजमन्त्री स जायते ।,
,निपुणः सर्वकार्येषु वनितानां च वल्लभः ॥४॥
In Saubhagya Yoga, one born becomes a minister to kings, adept in all tasks, and beloved by women.
शोभने शोभनो बालो बहुपुत्रकलत्रवान् ।,
,आतुरः सर्वकार्येषु युद्धभूमौ सदोत्सुकः ॥५॥
In Shobhana Yoga, a person is born good-looking, has many children and partners, is excited to do all kinds of tasks, and is especially eager for fighting.
अतिगण्डे च यो जातो मातृहन्ता भवेच्च सः ।,
,गण्डान्तेषु च जातस्तु कुलहन्ता प्रकीर्तितः ॥६॥
In Atiganda Yoga, a person is born who harms their mother and brings trouble to their family. They are born at very unlucky times.
सुकर्म नामयोगे तु सुकर्मा जायते नरः ।,
,सर्वैः प्रीतः सुशीलश्च रागी भोगी गुणाधिकः ॥७॥
In Sukarma Yoga, a person is born doing good things, loved by everyone, polite, loving, generous, and having many good qualities.
धृतिमान् धृतियोगे च कीर्ति-पुष्टि-धनान्वितः ।,
,भाग्यवान् सुखसम्पन्नो विद्यावान् गुणवान्भवेत् ॥८॥
In Dhriti Yoga, one is endowed with fame, prosperity, and wealth, fortunate, happy, knowledgeable, and virtuous.
शूले शूलव्यथायुक्तो धार्मिकः शास्त्रपारगः । ,
,विद्यार्थकुशलो यज्वा जायते मनुजः सदा ॥९॥
In Shoola Yoga, a person is afflicted with physical pain but is religious, knowledgeable in scriptures, adept in education, and proficient in rituals.
गण्डे गण्डव्यथायुक्तो बहुक्लेशो महाशिराः । ,
,ह्रस्वकायो महाशूरो बहुरोगी दृढव्रतः ॥१०॥
In Gandanta Yoga, one is afflicted with mental anguish, experiences great suffering, has a large head and a weak body, is heroic, afflicted with many diseases, and steadfast in resolve.
वृद्धियोगे सुरूपश्च बहुपुत्रकलत्रवान् । ,
,धनवानपि भोक्ता च सत्यवानपि जायते ॥११॥
In the Vriddhi yoga, a person born under this yoga is handsome, blessed with many children and wives, wealthy, enjoys life, and adheres to truthfulness.
ध्रुवयोगे च दीर्घायुः धनवान् प्रियदर्शनः ।,
,स्थिरकर्माऽतिशक्तश्च ध्रुवबुद्धिश्च जायते ॥१२॥
In the Dhruva yoga, a person born under this yoga has a long life, is wealthy, attractive, proficient in stable actions, and possesses unwavering intelligence.
व्याघातयोगजातश्च सर्वज्ञः सर्वपूजितः । ,
, सर्वकर्मकरो लोके विख्यातः सर्वकर्मसु ॥१३॥
In the Vyaghata yoga, a person born under this yoga is omniscient, universally respected, engages in all actions, and becomes renowned for all deeds in the world.
हर्षणे जायते लोके महाभाग्यो नृपप्रियः । ,
, धृष्टः सदा धनैर्युक्तो विद्याशास्त्रविशारदः ॥१४॥
In the Harshana yoga, a person born under this yoga is exceedingly fortunate, beloved by kings, confident, wealthy, and well-versed in knowledge and scriptures.
वज्रयोगे वज्रमुष्टिः सर्वविद्याऽस्त्रपारगः । ,
, धनधान्यसमायुक्तस्तत्त्वज्ञो बहुविक्रमः ॥१५॥
In the Vajra yoga, a person born under this yoga has fists like thunderbolts, excels in all knowledge and weaponry, is endowed with wealth, and possesses profound wisdom and great valour.
सिद्धियोगे समुत्पन्नः सर्वसिद्धियुतो भवेत् । ,
, दाता भोक्ता सुखी कान्तः शोकी रोगी च मानवः ॥१६॥
In the Siddhi yoga, a person born under this yoga achieves success in all endeavours, is a bestower and enjoyer of happiness, attractive, but may also be afflicted with sorrow and illness.
व्यतीपाते नरो जातो महाकष्टेन जीवति । ,
, जीवेत्सद्भाग्ययोगेन स भवेदुत्तमो नरः ॥१७॥
In the Vyatipata yoga, a person born under this yoga faces many hardships in life, but if they survive, they become the best among men through the yoga of great fortune.
वरीयोनामयोगे च बलिष्ठो जायते नरः । ,
, शिल्पशास्त्रकथाभिज्ञो गीत-नृत्यादि-कोविदः ॥१८॥
In the Variyana yoga, a person born under this yoga becomes strong, skilled in arts and crafts, knowledgeable in scriptures, and adept in music, dance, and other arts.
परिघे च नरो जातः स्वकुलोकन्नतिकारकः । ,
, शास्त्रज्ञः सुकविर्वाग्मी दाता भोक्ता प्रियवंदः ॥१९॥
In the Parigha yoga, a person born under this yoga elevates his family, is knowledgeable in scriptures, skilled in poetry, eloquent in speech, generous, enjoys pleasures, and is loved and respected by all.
शिवयोगे नरः प्रोक्तो वेदशास्त्रार्थसाधनः । ,
, सत्यवादी सत्यसन्धः सद्भावे सद्गतिं गतः ॥२०॥
In the Shiva yoga, a person born under this yoga is known for mastering the Vedas, scriptures, and achieving their goals. They speak the truth, are steadfast in truth, and attain a good state through good intentions.
सिद्धयोगे नरो जातः सर्वधर्मपरोऽभिधः ।,
, नृपो यस्य स विख्यातः स सर्वधर्मभिः प्रियः ॥२१॥
In the Siddha yoga, a person born under this yoga is devoted to all duties and is known as the king who is beloved by all through his observance of all duties.
शुभयोगे नरो जातः सर्वशास्त्रार्थसाधनः । ,
,श्रीमान् भद्रद्युतिः सद्भिर्जीवन्नारोग्यकामदः ॥२२॥
In the Shubha yoga, a person born under this yoga is skilled in all scriptures and achieves success. He is glorious, radiant, and desires a life full of health and well-being.
शुक्लयोगे नरो जातो ब्राह्मणो विपुलां धनानि । ,
,राजानमिव सर्वेषां गुणैरेतैर्विनिर्मितः ॥२३॥
In the Shukla yoga, a person born under this yoga, like a king, accumulates great wealth and is endowed with all these qualities.
ब्रह्मयोगे नरो जातो ब्रह्मा समर्थतामगात् । ,
,सर्वधर्मभृतां साक्षात् सुखमाप्नोति निर्मलम् ॥२४॥
In the Brahma yoga, a person born under this yoga attains the capability of Brahma (the creator), and experiences pure happiness, being the witness of all duties.
इन्द्रयोगे नरो जातो लाभमानो विमुच्यते । ,
,यदा प्रवर्तते धर्मे समृद्धिर्भवति नः ॥२५॥
In the Indra yoga, a person born under this yoga enjoys abundance and is liberated when righteousness is established.
वैधृतियोगे नरो जातो दानक्षेमावितं धनम् । ,
, जीवेत्समृद्धियुक्तस्य वृद्ध्या संवर्धितः प्रभुः ॥२६॥
In the Vaidhriti yoga, a person born under this yoga receives wealth through charity and security. They live a prosperous life and grow in power through growth.
विष्कम्भयोगे नरो जातः शुभदानं तथा धनम् । ,
, यदा च विविधान् कार्यान् सफलान् प्रवर्तते ॥२७॥
In the Vishkambha yoga, a person born under this yoga gives auspicious gifts and wealth. Success follows when they undertake various tasks.
The fifth and the last element of today’s panchang is Karana. A Karana in the Panchang is like half of a special moon day called Tithi. There are 30 moon days in a month, which makes 60 Karanas in a month. A Karana is complete when the positions of the Sun and Moon are 6 degrees apart. According to Mansagri a prominent Jyotish Shastra;
बवाख्ये करणे जातो मानी धर्मरतः सदा । ,
, शुभमङ्गलकर्मा च स्थिरकर्मा च जायते ॥१॥
In Bava Karana, if born, a person is considered righteous, always inclined towards auspicious and stable deeds.
बालवाख्ये नरो जातस्तीर्थदेवाधिसेवकः । ,
, विद्यार्थसौख्यसम्पन्नो राजमान्यश्च जायते ॥२॥
In Balava Karana, if born, the person becomes a devotee of pilgrimages and deities, endowed with knowledge, wealth, and honour.
कौलवाख्ये तु जातस्य प्रीतिः सर्वजनैः सह । ,
, सङ्गतिर्मित्रवर्णैश्च मानवांश्च प्रजायते ॥३॥
In Kaulava Karana, if born, one is affectionate towards everyone, enjoys the company of friends, and is respected by people.
तैतिले करणे जातः सौभाग्यधनसंयुतः ।,
, स्नेही सर्वजनैः सार्द्ध विचित्राणि गृहाणि च ॥४॥
In Taitila Karana, if born, one is blessed with fortune, affectionate towards all, and owns various kinds of houses.
गराख्ये कृषिकर्मा च गृहकार्यपरायणः ।,
, यद्वस्तु वाञ्छितं तच्च लभते च महोद्यमैः ॥५॥
In Gar Karana, if born, one engages in agriculture, devoted to household affairs, and achieves desired objects through enterprises.
वाणिज्ये करणे जातो वाणिज्येनैव जीवति ।,
, वाञ्छितं लभते लोके देशान्तरगमागमैः ॥६॥
In Vanijya Karana, if born, one lives by commerce, gains desired objects through travels, domestic and foreign.
अशुभारम्भशीलश्च परदाररतः सदा ।,
, कुशलो विषकार्येषु विष्ट्याख्यकरणोद्भवः ॥७॥
In Vishti Karana, if born, one initiates inappropriate deeds, indulges in extramarital affairs, and excels in toxic activities.
Today’s Panchang is very important in our lives. It helps us find the best time to do different things. You can check Panchang every day using the Vedic Meet app. You can also talk to a Vedic astrologer on the Vedic Meet app to know when to start certain tasks for your work.
A Panchang is like a calendar, but it's way more than just dates. It tells you about important stuff like when the sun rises and sets, the phases of the moon, lucky times for different activities, and festivals.
Panchang" means "five parts" in a language called Sanskrit. These five parts tell us about different aspects of time, like the day, the stars, and the moon.
It tells us when the sun rises and sets, when the moon changes shape, and when special days are. It also says which times are lucky or unlucky for doing certain things.
The Panchang helps us pick the best times for important events, like weddings or starting new projects. It also helps us understand how the stars and planets affect our lives.
Experts study the positions of the sun, moon, and stars to make the Panchang. They use this information to figure out the best times for different activities.