Find your right one, through matchmaking
Do you want to find your perfect match using online Kundali matchmaking? If yes, then you're in the right place. At Vedic Meet, we offer free Kundali matchmaking with the help of our experienced astrologers. This means you will get accurate and helpful advice about your compatibility with your potential partner.
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With our free Kundli matchmaking, you can learn important details about your future relationship, such as how well you match with your partner and the best times for important life events. You'll also get solutions and Vedic remedies for any issues you might face. To get started with this, just provide your and your partners name, date of birth, time of birth, and place of birth.
Now, let's see what you will learn from our detailed Kundali matchmaking report.
Before getting married, it's important to check kundali matchmaking. If the marriage is already decided, the astrologer should usually be consulted to set the wedding date and other auspicious times.Once an engagement or any form of commitment like roka or tilak has taken place, matching horoscopes becomes pointless. Wise parents should ensure horoscope matching before any commitment to avoid conflicts later.
When matching horoscopes, don't compare birth stars first. Even if all attributes match, the match is invalid if there are issues like a short lifespan or bad astrological conditions. So, check the lifespan first.
Next, for the boy's horoscope, check his fortune, job prospects, and marital happiness according to astrological rules. Do the same for the girl's horoscope. Pay special attention to any signs that might indicate the early death of a spouse.
Check the Manglik condition and then examine all aspects according to the rules for female horoscopes. Specifically, look at the 1st, 7th, 5th, 8th, and 9th houses in the horoscope. Malefic planets (those considered harmful) in these houses are not good. Malefic planets in the 1st, 7th, and 8th houses are especially forbidden. Malefic influences in the 8th house can cause widowhood, in the 7th house they reduce marital happiness, in the 5th and 9th houses they affect children and fortune, and in the 1st house they affect the girl’s health. After checking all these aspects, proceed to match the attributes.
जन्मभं जन्मधिष्ण्येन नामधिष्ण्येन नामभम्।
व्यत्ययेन यदा योज्यं दम्पत्योर्निधनप्रदम् ।।
Use the Birth Names of Both Bride and Groom: Always use the birth names of both the bride and groom for matching. Using one person's birth name and the other person's common name can cause significant errors.
विवाहे सर्वमांगल्ये यात्रायां ग्रहगोचरे।
जन्मराशेः प्रधानत्वं नामराशिं न चिन्तयेत्।।
Birth Name is Important: For marriage, special events, travel, and planetary transits, the birth name and birth sign are most important, not the common name or its sign.
अज्ञातजन्मनां नृणां नामभे परिकल्पना।
तेनैव चिन्तयेत् सर्वराशिकूटादिजन्मवत्।।
Use Common Name Only if Birth Name is Unknown: If the birth name is not known, then and only then should the common name be used for matching.
Ashtakoot Matching looks at eight key things:
Varna (Ego Feeling), Vashya (Thoughts), Tara (Destiny), Yoni (Sexual Compatibility), Graha Maitri (Mental Compatibility), Gana Maitri (Temperament), Bhakut (Love), and Nadi (Health and Children). This matching method is called the 36 Guna Milan.
This makes a total of 36 points. The matching criteria are:
गुणैः षोडशभिर्निन्द्यं मध्यमाविंशतिस्तथा।
श्रेष्ठं त्रिंशत् गुणं यावत् परतस्तूत्तमोत्तमम्।।
Ashtakoot Matching or Guna Milan
A match of 18 points (50%) is considered okay. But big flaws like Nadi dosha or Gana dosha cannot be ignored even if there are many matched points. So, Ashtakoot matching is more important than just the total number of points.
Remember, while the number of matched points is important, the full Ashtakoot analysis is crucial for knowing if a marriage will be good.
Guna Milan in online kundali Matchmaking
In Jyotish Shastra "Muhurat Chintamani," eight things are checked when matching horoscopes for marriage. These are Varna (Ego Feeling) worth 1 point, Vashya (Thoughts) worth 2 points, Tara (Destiny) worth 3 points, Yoni (Sexual Compatibility) worth 4 points, Graha Maitri (Mental Compatibility) worth 5 points, Gana (Temperament) worth 6 points, Bhakut (Love) worth 7 points, and Nadi (Health and Children) worth 8 points. These things are checked in both the bride and groom's horoscopes. The total points for perfect compatibility are 36. If the total points (Gunas) from these eight things are 18 or more, the marriage is considered good. If the total is less than 18, the marriage is not recommended.
Total Points Calculation
The total maximum points for perfect compatibility are calculated as follows:
Total Points = 8 (8 +1) 2= 36Total Points= 2 8(8+1) =36If the sum of the points (Gunas) from the eight factors is 18 or more, the marriage is considered favourable. If the total is less than 18, the marriage should not be recommended.
Classification of Points
The classification of points for evaluating the match is as follows:
In the case of a favourable Bhakoot, this classification applies. However, if Bhakoot is unfavourable:
गुणैः षोडशभिनिन्यं मध्यमा विंशतिस्तथा ।
श्रेष्ठं त्रिंशद्गुणं यावत्परतस्तूत्तमोत्तमम् ।।
सद्भकूटे इदं प्रोक्तं दुष्टकूटेऽथ कथ्यते ।
निन्यं गुणेविंशतिभिर्मध्यमे पञ्चभिस्ततः ॥
तत्परैः पञ्चभिः श्रेष्ठं ततः श्रेष्ठतरं गुणेः।
Nadi Dosha: Nadi Dosha is very important and cannot be ignored, even if the total points are high.
Bhakoot: If Bhakoot is unfavorable, the scoring changes.
Other Factors: Acharya has mentioned other things like Nridur, which does not have a score but is important in Bhakoot evaluation.
When matching for marriage, it's not enough to just look at the total points. These special factors must also be considered to ensure a happy relationship. Checking the eight factors (Ashtakoot) is needed to see if the marriage will be good. The total points give an initial idea, but deeper factors like Nadi Dosha and Bhakoot must also be checked for full compatibility.
According to "Muhurat Chintamani," the compatibility based on Varna (caste) is an important factor in kundli matching. The principle is that the bride's Varna should not be higher than the groom's Varna for the match to be considered auspicious.
Classification of Varnas by Zodiac Signs
Principle of Varna Compatibility
Higher or Equal Varna: The bride’s Varna should not be higher than the groom's Varna. If the groom’s Varna is higher or equal to the bride's Varna, the marriage is considered auspicious and beneficial.
द्विजा झषालिकर्कटास्ततो नृपा विशोऽङ्घ्रिजाः ।
वरस्य वर्णतोऽधिका वधूर्त शस्यते बुधैः ॥ २२ ॥
This means that for Brahmin Varna (Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer), the bride should not be from a higher Varna than the groom. The same goes for Kshatriya, Vaishya, and Shudra Varnas. The groom's Varna should be higher or equal to ensure a harmonious marriage.
Special Considerations for Guna Matching
Equal or Higher Varna: If the bride and groom are of equal Varna, or the groom's Varna is higher, one point is added in the Guna Milan. If the bride's Varna is higher, no points are given.
एको गुणः सदृग्वर्णेऽथवा वर्णोत्तमे वरे ।
हीने बरेऽधिके शून्यं केंऽप्याडुः सदृशे दलम् ॥
Exceptions Based on Planetary Positions: If the lord of the bride's sign is stronger or of a higher Varna than the lord of the groom's sign, then the Varna dosha can be ignored.
हीनवर्णो यदा राशी राशीशी वर्ण उत्तमः ।
तदा राशीश्वरो ग्राश्वस्तद्राशि नैव चिन्तयेत् ॥ २२ ॥
This means if the planetary lord of the bride's sign is in a stronger position or of a higher Varna than the groom's sign lord, then the Varna mismatch is not considered a dosha (flaw).
For a happy marriage, it is important to consider the Varna of both the bride and groom. Ideally, the groom's Varna should be equal to or higher than the bride's Varna. In cases where planetary positions indicate otherwise, exceptions can be made. This ensures that the marriage is auspicious and beneficial, aligning with traditional astrological principles.
In Vedic astrology, Vashya refers to the influence or control one person has over another. For a harmonious marriage, it is important that the bride falls under the Vashya category of the groom.
Classification of Zodiac Signs by Vashya
Human Signs (Manushya Rashi): Gemini (Mithuna), Virgo (Kanya), Libra (Tula), and the first half of Sagittarius (Dhanu).
Animal Signs:
Principle of Vashya Compatibility
Vashya and Bhakshya: For a successful marriage, the bride's sign should either be Vashya (under the influence) or Bhakshya (prey) to the groom's sign. This ensures that the relationship dynamics are balanced and harmonious.
हित्वा मृगेन्द्रं नरराशिवश्याः सर्वे तथैषां जलजास्तु भक्ष्याः ।
सर्वेऽपि सिहस्य वशे विनालि ज्ञेयं नराणां व्यवहारतोऽन्यत् ॥ २३ ॥
This verse means that except for Leo (Simha), all other signs (Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, second half of Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces) are influenced by human signs (Gemini, Virgo, Libra, and the first half of Sagittarius). Aquatic signs (Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces) are also considered prey to human signs. All signs, except Scorpio, are influenced by Leo.
Detailed Compatibility Rules
Vashya and Bhakshya: The bride's sign should be Vashya or Bhakshya to the groom's sign. This means the bride should either be under the influence of the groom's sign or be in a category that is prey to the groom's sign.
'बेरभक्ष्ये गुणाभावो इयोः सख्ये गुणद्वयम् ।
वश्यवैरे गुणस्त्वेको वश्यभक्ष्ये गुणार्थकः ॥२३॥
In Vedic astrology, Vashya compatibility is crucial for ensuring a balanced and harmonious marriage. The bride’s zodiac sign should ideally be under the influence of the groom’s sign (Vashya) or considered prey (Bhakshya) to the groom’s sign. This balance helps in maintaining a positive and stable relationship.
In Vedic astrology, Tara (Destiny) is very important for deciding if a marriage will be good. The match between the bride's and groom's Tara helps determine if the marriage will be successful and lucky.
Calculation of Nakshatra Compatibility
कन्यर्धाद्वरभं यावत् कन्याभं वरभादपि ।
गणयेन्नवहृच्छेषे श्रीष्वद्रिभमसत्स्मृतम् ॥ २४ ॥
This verse means you need to count the number of Tara (birth stars) from the bride's Tara to the groom's Tara, and then from the groom's Tara to the bride's Tara. Divide these counts by 9 separately. If the remainders are 3, 5, or 7, it means the Tara compatibility is not good (inauspicious). If the remainders are 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, or 9, it means the Tara compatibility is good (auspicious).
Example of Tara (Destiny) Compatibility
If the count of Tara from the bride's to the groom's Tara results in a remainder of 3, 5, or 7 when divided by 9, the match is deemed inauspicious.
If the remainder is 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, or 9, the match is considered auspicious.
Detailed Analysis of Guna Matching (Vaivahik Manohaara)
एकतो उम्बते तारा शुभावान्यतोऽनुनाः।
तदा सार्थ गुणाधव ताराशुचा निषरत्रयन्।
उभधोन शुभस्तारा तदा शून्यं समादिशेदः ॥ २४ ॥
Tara compatibility is very important in Vedic astrology to see if a marriage will be successful and lucky. To check this, astrologers count the Tara from the bride to the groom and from the groom to the bride. Then, they divide these numbers by 9. If the remainders are 3, 5, or 7, it is not a good match. If the remainders are 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, or 9, it is a good match. This way helps make sure the marriage will be happy and prosperous according to traditional astrology.
अश्विन्यम्बुपयोहँयो निगदितः स्वात्यर्कयोः कासरः
सिहो वस्वजपाद्भयोः समुदितो याम्यान्त्ययोः कुञ्जरः ।
मेषो देवपुरोहितानलभयोः कर्णाम्बुनोर्वानरः
स्याद् वैश्वाभिजितोस्तथैव तकुलचान्द्राब्जयोन्योरहिः ॥ २५ ॥
ज्येष्ठामैत्रभयोः कुरङ्ग उदितो मूलार्द्रयोः श्वा तथा
मार्जारोऽदितिसार्पयोरय मधायोन्योस्तथैवोन्दुरुः ।
व्याघ्रो द्वोशभचित्रयोरपि च गौरर्यम्णबुध्न्यक्षंयो-
योनिः पादगयोः परस्परमहावैरं भयोन्योस्त्यजेत् ॥ २६ ॥
Each Nakshatra has a special animal symbol called Yoni. It is important for a happy marriage that the Yoni of the bride and groom are compatible. Some animal pairs do not get along well and should be avoided for marriage. These pairs are:
If these pairs are found, it is better not to get married because they can cause big problems in the marriage.
महईरे च बैरे च, खभावे च यथाक्रमम् ।
मैत्रे चैवातिमैत्रे च, खेन्दुद्वित्रिचतुर्गुणाः ।।
If the Yonis are enemies, they get zero points. But if the Yonis are friendly, they get more points. Friendly Yonis get two points, very friendly Yonis get three points, and super friendly Yonis get four points. So, the more friendly the Yonis are, the more points they get.
योनेरभावे नोद्राक्ष स तु कार्ये वियोगहा।
राशिवश्यं च यचरित्र कारयेन्न तु दोषभाक् ॥ २५-२६ ॥
If the Yoni compatibility is not good, we should look at other things like Rashi (zodiac sign) compatibility. This can help make sure the relationship is happy and peaceful.
मित्राणि द्युमणेः कुजेज्यशशिनः शुक्रार्कजौ वैरिणौ
सौम्यश्चास्य समो विधोर्बुधरवी मित्रे न चास्य द्विषत् ।
शेषाञ्चास्य समाः कुजस्य सुहृदश्चन्द्रेज्यसूर्याः बुधः
शत्रुः शुक्रशनी समौ च शशभूत्सूनोः सिताहस्करौ ॥ २७ ॥
मित्रे चास्य रिपुः शशी गुरुशनिक्ष्माजाः समा गीष्पते-
मित्राण्यर्क कुजेन्दवो बुधसितौ शत्रू समः सूर्यजः ।
मित्रे सौम्यशनी कवेः शशिरवी शत्रू कुजेज्यौ समौ
मित्रे शुक्रबुधौ शनेः शशिरविक्ष्माजा द्विषोऽन्यः समः ॥ २८ ॥
In Kundli matchmaking, Graha Maitri (planetary friendship) is important for mental compatibility. The relationships between planets help determine how well two people will get along mentally. Here is how different planets relate to each other:
These relationships help determine how well two people will connect and communicate. Good planetary friendships mean better mental compatibility, leading to a happier and more harmonious relationship.
Guna Matching:
उत्रेकाधिपतिले च निषले गुणपत्रकम्।
चत्वारः समनित्रत्वे द्वयोः साम्ये प्रयो गुणाः ॥
मित्रवेरे गुणकः समबेरे गुणार्थकः ।
परस्पर लेटबेरे गुणः शून्यं विनिदिशेत् ॥
Planetary Friendship: If planetary lords are friends, four points are awarded.
Neutral Relationship: If the relationship is neutral, three points are awarded.
Enemy Relationship: If planetary lords are enemies, no points are awarded.
राशिनाथे विरुद्धेऽपि सबलावंशकाधिपी ।
तन्मैत्रेऽपि च कर्तव्यं दम्पत्योः शुभमिच्छता ।' २७-२८ ॥
Even if the main Rashi lords do not get along, if their smaller parts (Amsha) are friendly, the match can still be good. This shows that overall compatibility is very important.
These rules help make sure we carefully check how well two people will get along for a happy and successful marriage.
रक्षो-नरामरगणाः क्रमतो मघाहिवस्विन्द्रमूलवरुणानलतक्षराधाः ।
पूर्वोत्तरात्रयविधातूयमेशभानि मैत्रादितीन्दुहरि पौष्णमरुल्लप्प्रूनि ॥ २९
निजनिजगणमध्ये प्रीतिरत्युत्तमा स्यादमरमनुजयोः सा मध्यमा सम्प्रदिष्टा ।
असुरमनुजयोश्चन्मृत्युरेव प्रदिष्टो बनुजविबुधयोः स्याद्वैरमेकान्ततोऽत्र
Nakshatras (constellations) are divided into three groups: Deva (divine), Manushya (human), and Rakshasa (demonic). Here are the groups:
If two people belong to the same group, they get along very well. If one is from Deva and the other is from Manushya, they get along okay. But if one is from Rakshasa and the other is from Manushya or Deva, they may not get along at all. This shows how important Gana compatibility is for a happy and balanced marriage.
If two people are from the same Gana, they get along very well. If one person is from Deva Gana and the other is from Manushya Gana, they get along okay. If one person is from Rakshasa Gana and the other is from Manushya Gana, it is not good and can cause big problems. If one person is from Deva Gana and the other is from Rakshasa Gana, they do not get along at all and will always have conflicts.
सद्भकूर्ट योनिशुद्धिग्रहसरूयं गुणत्रयम् ।
एष्वेकतमसद्भावे कन्या रक्षो गणाः शुभाः ।। (ज्यौ० नि०) ।॥ २९-३० ॥
This verse means that even if there is a Gana Dosha (a problem with Gana compatibility), the match can still be good. It can be good if there is Yoni compatibility (matching animal symbols) or Graha Maitri (planetary friendship). It can also be good if the girl is from Rakshasa Gana and the boy is from Manushya or Deva Gana. So, even with some problems, the match can still be lucky and good for marriage.
मृत्युः षष्ठाष्टके ज्ञेयोऽपत्यहानिर्नवात्मजे ।
द्विर्द्वादशे निर्धनत्वं द्वयोरन्यत्र सौख्यकृत् ॥ ३१ ॥
Other combinations such as 1-7, 4-10, and 5-11 are considered auspicious.
Types of Bhakoot:
प्रोक्ते दुष्टभकूटके परिणयस्त्वेकाधिपत्ये शुभो-
आयो राशीश्वरसौहृदेऽपि गदितो नाड्यूक्षशुद्धियंदि
अन्यक्षऽशपयोर्बलित्वस खिते नाड्यूक्षशुद्धौ तथा
ताराशुद्धिवशेन राशिवशताभावे निरुक्तो बुधैः ॥ ३२ ॥
There are five ways to fix Bhakut Dosh (problem with Bhakut compatibility):
Bhakut Dosh Cancelling Factors:
प्रोक्ते दुष्टभकूटके परिणयस्त्वेकाधिपत्ये शुभो-
मैत्र्यां राशिस्वामिनोरंशनाथद्वन्द्वस्यापि स्याद् गणानां न दोषः ।
Bhakut Dosh can be cancelled if the Rashi lords (zodiac signs) or Navamsa lords (subdivisions) are friends. This means the Gana Dosha (compatibility problem) will not be an issue. Also, if the planets show strong friendship, the Bhakoot Dosha (another compatibility problem) is cancelled too. These checks help make sure the marriage will be happy and successful.
ज्येष्ठार्यम्णेशनीराधिपभयुगयुगं दास्त्रभं चैकनाडी,
पुष्येन्दुत्वाष्ट्रमित्रान्तकवसुजलभं योनिबुघ्न्त्ये च मध्या ।
वाय्वग्निव्यालविश्वोडुयुगयुगमथो पौष्णभं चापरा स्याद्
दम्पत्योरेकनाड्यां परिणयनमसन्मध्यनाडयां हि मृत्युः ॥ ३४ ॥
In the context of marriage, Nadi (a vital energy channel) is very important for matching horoscopes to ensure the couple's well-being and prosperity. The Nakshatras (birth stars) are divided into three types of Nadis: Adi, Madhya, and Antya. Each type of Nadi includes specific Nakshatras.
Adi Nadi (Beginning Nadi):
Madhya Nadi (Middle Nadi):
Antya Nadi (End Nadi):
If both the bride and groom have the same Nadi (either Adi or Antya), it is considered inauspicious, and if both have Madhya Nadi, it is deemed fatal.
Remedies for Nadi Dosha:
प्रोक्ते दुष्टभकूटके परिणयस्त्वेकाधिपत्ये शुभो नाडीदोषो नो गणानां च
दोषो नक्षत्रैक्ये पादभेदे शुभं स्यात् ॥ ३५ ॥
If both the bride and groom are born under the same Nakshatra and Pada, it is not favourable for marriage. As per Keshava in "Vivaha Vrindavana" (315), 'Even if born under the same star, if they have similar influences, the results are unfavourable.'
Service and Loan Context:
Village Residency:
Nakshatra Compatibility:
If the total score of Gunas (attributes) is more than 18 after considering all factors, the marriage is deemed auspicious.
'गुणैः षोडशभिनिन्यं मध्यमा विशतिस्तथा। श्रेष्ठं त्रिंशद्गुणं यावत् परतस्तूत्तमोत्तमम् ॥'
Different schools of thought suggest varying minimum scores for auspicious marriages, ranging from 16 to 36 Gunas.
For an excellent match, especially if Nadi and planetary compatibility is high, a score of at least 13 Gunas is recommended, ensuring the bride’s prosperity and the groom’s long life.
Some scholars believe that if Nadi Dosha and planetary positions align favourably, marriage should proceed, even if other doshas exist.
'एकाधिपत्ये समसप्तके वा लाभे तृतीये दशमे चतुर्थे। नाडीवियोगे गणनाप्रमावं न चिन्तयेदुइइनादिकाले ॥'
By thoroughly analysing the compatibility of Nakshatras, Rashis, and planetary positions, astrologers can recommend marriages that promise a harmonious, healthy, and prosperous marital life.
Consideration of Nakshatras for Various Aspects
सेव्याधमर्णयुवतौनगरादिर्भ चेत् पूर्वं हि भूत्यधनिभर्तृपुरादिसद्भात् ।
सेवाविनाशधननाशनभर्तृनाश-ग्रामादिसौख्यहृदिदं क्रमशः प्रविष्टम् ॥३६॥
- Source: मुहूर्तमार्तण्ड - 'नहीन्दूव गुणैक्यं शुमम्'
- If the total number of matching points is up to 16, it is considered inauspicious.
- If it is between 16 and 20, it is of medium quality.
- If it is between 21 and 30, it is of high quality.
- If it exceeds 31, it is considered excellent.
- Source: 'गुणैः षोडशभिनिन्यं मध्यमा विशतिस्तथा । श्रेष्ठं त्रिंशद्गुणं यावत् परतस्तूत्तमोत्तमम् ॥'
- Source: 'एकाधिपत्ये समसप्तके वा लाभे तृतीये दशमे चतुर्थे । नाडीवियोगे गणनाप्रमावं न चिन्तयेदुइइनादिकाले ॥'
Astrological Considerations
1) Name Matching: To make sure two people get along well, their names should match their birth stars (nakshatras) and planets. There are special rules for what letters names should start with based on their nakshatra.
2) Alternative Names: If the first name doesn't match well with the stars, a new name can be chosen. This new name should have similar letters and match the nakshatra.
Astrologers look at the points and the positions of the planets and nakshatras to see if a marriage will be happy and lucky. This helps make sure the couple will have a good, healthy, and joyful life together
Additional Verses
1. 'न दृष्टा कणाः वर्णा नामादी सन्ति ते नहि। पेद् भवन्ति तदा शेया ग-ज-हास्ते यथाक्रमम् ॥'
Colors, names, and other things are not seen right away. They become visible slowly over time, like the lines on your palm and fingers."
This verse means that some things in life do not show up immediately. They become clear as time goes on, just like the lines on your hands and fingers become more noticeable over time.
2. 'श-स, व-ब, अ-आ, इ-ई उऊ, ए.पे, ओ-ओ में भेद नहीं माना जाता। यदि जन्मनाम का शान न हो तो नाम से ही गणना देखी जाती है।'
No difference is considered between 'श' and 'स', 'व' and 'ब', 'अ' and 'आ', 'इ' and 'ई', 'उ' and 'ऊ', 'ए' and 'पे', 'ओ' and 'ओ', if there is no significance of birth name, then counting is done only through the name."
This verse suggests that in certain contexts, such as counting or classification, the distinctions between similar sounds or letters are not relevant if the birth name doesn't hold significance. It implies that sometimes names or sounds are used simply as a means of identification or categorization.
3. 'अज्ञातजन्मनों नृणां नामने परिकल्पना । तेनैव चिन्तयेद स सर्व राशिकूटादि जन्मवत् ॥'
For people with unknown birth details, we guess their traits from their names. So, we should think of them as having qualities of all astrological signs.
This verse means that when we don't know someone's birth details, we can try to understand them by looking at their name. It suggests that these people should be considered as having the characteristics of all the astrological signs.
4. 'जन्मनं जन्मधिष्ण्येन नामधिष्ण्येन नाममन् । व्यत्ययेन यदा योज्यं दम्पत्योनिधनप्रदम् ॥ ३६ ॥'
"When the name is more important than birth details, we should focus on the name. If there's a difference, the name should be more important for a happy marriage."
This means that sometimes a person's name matters more than their birth details. In these cases, we should pay more attention to the name, especially for making a marriage happy. It's also important to look at birth stars (nakshatras) and planets for things like jobs, loans, marriage, and where you live to make sure everything goes well and to avoid problems.
According to Brihat Samhita - A Prominent Jyotish Shastra*
मूतों करोति दिनकृद्विधवां कुजश्च राहुर्विपन्नतनयां रविजो दरिद्राम् ।
शुक्रः शशाङ्कतनयश्च गुरुश्च साध्वीमायुःक्षयं प्रकुरुतेऽथ विभावरीशः ॥१॥
- If the Sun or Mars is positioned in the ascendant (lagna) at the time of marriage, it indicates widowhood.
- If Rahu is in the ascendant, it suggests the loss of children.
- If Saturn is in the ascendant, it signifies poverty.
- If Venus, Mercury, or Jupiter is in the ascendant, it indicates a virtuous wife.
- If the Moon is in the ascendant, it indicates short life.
कुर्वन्ति भास्कर शनैश्चरराहु भौमा दारिश्यदुःखमतुलं नियतं द्वितीये ।
वित्तेश्वरीमविधवां गुरुशुक्रसौम्या नारीं प्रभूततनयां कुरुते शशाङ्कः॥२॥
- If the Sun, Saturn, Rahu, or Mars is positioned in the second house at the time of marriage, it results in extreme poverty and suffering.
- If Jupiter, Venus, or Mercury is positioned in the second house, it indicates wealth, a life free of widowhood.
- If the Moon is positioned in the second house, it indicates a wife with many children.
सूर्येन्दुभौमगुरुशुक्रबुधास्तृतीये कुर्युः सदा बहुसुतां धनभागिनीं च ।
व्यक्तां दिवाकरसुतः सुभगां करोति मृत्युं ददाति नियमात् खलु सैंहिकेयः ॥
- If the Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, or Mercury is positioned in the third house at the time of marriage, it indicates a wife with many children and wealth.
- If Saturn is in the third house, it signifies a wife with fame and beauty.
- If Rahu is in the third house, it indicates certain death.
स्वल्पं पयः स्रवति सूर्यसुते चतुर्थ दौर्भाग्यमुष्णकिरणः कुरुते शशी च।
राहुः सपत्नमपि च क्षितिजोऽल्पवित्तं दद्याद्धगुः सुरगुरुथ बुधश्च सौख्यम् ॥
- If Saturn is positioned in the fourth house at the time of marriage, the woman's breasts produce very little milk.
- If the Sun or Moon is in the fourth house, it indicates misfortune.
- If Rahu is in the fourth house, it indicates having co-wives.
- If Mars is in the fourth house, it signifies limited wealth.
- If Venus, Jupiter, or Mercury is in the fourth house, it indicates a woman who enjoys happiness.
नष्टात्मजां रविकुजौ खलु पञ्चमस्थे
चन्द्रात्मजो बहुसुतां गुरुभार्गवौ च ।
राहुर्ददाती मरणं शनिरुग्ररोगं
कन्याविनाशमचिरात्कुरुते शशाङ्कः ॥ ५ ॥
- If the Sun or Mars is positioned in the fifth house at the time of marriage, it results in the death of children.
- If Mercury, Jupiter, or Venus is in the fifth house, it indicates many children.
- If Rahu is in the fifth house, it signifies death.
- If Saturn is in the fifth house, it indicates severe diseases.
- If the Moon is in the fifth house, it leads to the early death of a daughter.
षष्ठाश्रिताः शनिदिवाकरराहुजीवाः
कुर्युः कुजश्च सुभगां श्वशुरेषु भक्ताम् ।
चन्द्रः करोति विधवामुशना दरिद्रां
ऋद्धां शशाङ्कतनयः कलहप्रियां च ॥ ६ ॥
- If Saturn, Sun, Rahu, Jupiter, or Mars is positioned in the sixth house at the time of marriage, it indicates a wife devoted to her in-laws.
- If the Moon is in the sixth house, it indicates widowhood.
- If Venus is in the sixth house, it signifies poverty.
- If Mercury is in the sixth house, it indicates a wealthy wife who is fond of quarrels.
सौरारजीवबुधराहुरवीन्दुशुक्राः कुर्युः प्रसह्य खलु सप्तमराशिसंस्थाः ।
वैधव्यबन्धनवधक्षयमर्थनाश-व्याधिप्रवासमरणानि यथाक्रमेण ॥ ७ ॥
If certain planets are in the seventh house during marriage, they can cause various problems. For example, if Saturn is in the seventh house, it can lead to widowhood. If Mars is there, it can result in imprisonment. Jupiter in the seventh house can cause destruction, while Mercury can bring loss of wealth. Rahu in this position can lead to disease, the Sun can cause exile, and the Moon and Venus can both signify death. Each planet brings a specific challenge if positioned in the seventh house at the time of marriage.
स्थानेऽष्टमे गुरुबुधौ नियतं त्रियोगं
मृत्युं शशी भृगुसुतश्च तथैव राहुः ।
सूर्यः करोत्यविधवां सरुजां महीजः
सूर्यात्मजो धनवतीं पतिवल्लभां च ॥
- If Jupiter or Mercury is positioned in the eighth house at the time of marriage, it indicates separation from the husband.
- If the Moon, Venus, or Rahu is in the eighth house, it signifies death.
- If the Sun is in the eighth house, it indicates good fortune.
- If Mars is in the eighth house, it signifies disease.
- If the Moon is in the ascendant, it indicates short life.
- If Saturn is in the eighth house, it indicates wealth and affection from the husband.
धर्मे स्थिता भृगुदिवाकर भूमिपुत्रा
जीवश्च धर्मनिरतां शशिजस्त्वरोगाम् ।
राहुश्च सूर्यतनयश्च करोति वन्ध्यां
कन्याप्रसूतिमटनां कुरुते शशाङ्कः ॥९॥
- If Venus, Sun, Mars, or Jupiter is positioned in the ninth house at the time of marriage, it indicates a wife devoted to religion.
- If Mercury is in the ninth house, it signifies good health.
- If Rahu or Saturn is in the ninth house, it indicates barrenness.
- If the Moon is in the ninth house, it leads to a wife who gives birth to daughters and travels frequently.
राहुर्नभःस्थलगतो विधवां करोति
पापे रतां दिनकरश्च शनैश्चरश्च ।
मृत्युं कुजोऽर्थरहितां कुलटांच चन्द्रः
शेषा ग्रहाः धनवतीं सुभगां च कुर्युः ॥
- If Rahu is positioned in the tenth house at the time of marriage, it indicates widowhood.
- If the Sun or Saturn is in the tenth house, it signifies involvement in sinful activities.
- If Mars is in the tenth house, it indicates death.
- If the Moon is in the tenth house, it signifies poverty and immoral behavior.
- If the remaining planets (Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus) are in the tenth house, they indicate wealth and good fortune.
आये रविर्वहुसुतां सधनां शशाङ्कः
पुत्रान्वितां क्षितिसुतो रविजो धनाढ्याम्।
आयुष्मतीं सुरगुरुः शशिजः समृद्धां
राहुः करोत्यविधत्रां भृगुरर्थयुक्ताम् ॥
- If the Sun is positioned in the eleventh house at the time of marriage, it indicates a woman with many children.
- If the Moon is in the eleventh house, it signifies wealth.
- If Mars is in the eleventh house, it indicates a woman blessed with sons.
- If Saturn is in the eleventh house, it signifies great wealth.
- If Jupiter is in the eleventh house, it indicates long life.
- If Mercury is in the eleventh house, it indicates prosperity.
- If Rahu is in the eleventh house, it signifies widowhood.
- If Venus is in the eleventh house, it signifies wealth and material comfort.
अन्ते गुरुर्धनवतीं दिनकृद्दरिद्रां
चन्द्रो धनव्ययकरीं कुलटां च राहुः ।
साध्वीं भृगुः शशिसुतो बहुपुत्रपौत्रां
पानप्रसक्तहृदयां रविजः कुजश्च ॥१२॥
- If Jupiter is positioned in the twelfth house at the time of marriage, it indicates a wealthy woman.
- If the Sun is in the twelfth house, it signifies poverty.
- If the Moon is in the twelfth house, it indicates a woman who spends a lot of money.
- If Rahu is in the twelfth house, it signifies a woman with loose morals.
- If Venus is in the twelfth house, it indicates a virtuous woman.
- If Mercury is in the twelfth house, it signifies a woman with many sons and grandsons.
- If Mars or Saturn is in the twelfth house, it indicates a woman who is addicted to drinking.
When looking at marriage using astrology from Brihat Samhita, where the planets are at the time of marriage can tell us important things about married life. This includes things like wealth, health, how long the marriage will last, and having children. By understanding where the planets are, we can predict and possibly fix problems using traditional astrological remedies and rituals. This helps couples have a happy and successful marriage.
Praise of Godhuli
गोपैर्यष्टचाहतानां खुरपुटदलिता या तु धूलिर्दिनान्ते
सोद्वाहे सुन्दरीणां विपुलधनसुतारोग्यसौभाग्यकीं ।
तस्मिन् काले न चक्षं न च तिथिकरणं नैव लग्नं न योगः
ख्यातः पुंसां सुखार्थं शमयति दुरितान्युत्थितं गोरजस्तु ॥१३॥
During the evening (dusk), the dust kicked up by the hooves of cows herded by cowherds is believed to bring great wealth, sons, health, and happiness to beautiful women (brides) during their weddings. This special time is called godhuli. At this time, there is no need to consider any astrological factors like lunar day, lunar mansion, half-day, or specific auspicious moments. This time is meant for the happiness of people, and the dust raised by the cows' hooves is said to get rid of all bad luck and misfortunes.
This verse talks about how important and lucky the godhuli time is, especially for weddings. It brings lots of good things to the married couple.
Online Kundli matchmaking helps you see how well you match with your partner. By looking at where the planets and stars were when you were born, astrologers can tell how well you get along in different areas like feelings, money, and overall happiness. This makes it easier to know how good a match you are.
Vedic Meet offers online Kundali matchmaking, which is easy and quick. It helps you learn about your relationships. This can help you make better choices, whether you are thinking about marriage or just want to know more about your partner. Matchmaking helps you find happiness and balance in your relationship.
Kundali matchmaking is the process of comparing two people's birth charts to see how well they match in different areas of life, like emotions, money, and overall harmony.
Online Kundali matchmaking uses your birth details (date, time, and place) to create your birth chart and compare it with your partner's chart. This helps to see how well you match.
Yes, online Kundali matchmaking uses the same rules as traditional methods, so it is a reliable way to check compatibility.
Yes, you need the birth details (date, time, and place) of both people to create accurate birth charts and see how well you match.
Vedic Meet offers free Kundali matchmaking services.