Gurukul: System of Education In Vedic Period 

Struggling to memorize “Newton’s Laws of Motion”? Do you find it difficult to remember current affairs? What if you need to learn  10,600 verses in 1 week ? Well, not to worry as there is a  simple trick which will help you memorize anything on finger tips. Are you curious to know about this? But first you have to understand your own heritage. Like you, I am also curious about the same. Let’s dig in.   

Significance of Vedic Education System

India’s knowledge has been enlightening the world for centuries. During the Vedic Period, the Indian education system was known as the Vedic Education system. The Vedic education system can be compare to a sacred lotus. A lotus with its petals revealing significant insights to the world. Unlike modern education where scoring good marks is the main priority. In ancient times, the Indian education system was prominent among all other countries. People were drawn here from all over the world. You know, famous Chinese traveler Hiuen Tsang had also studied under the Indian education system. 

The beauty of the Vedic education system is it clearly focuses on what, how and why. Means why you’re learning something or what you need to learn or how you need to learn. Modern day education focuses always on the what and why. ‘How’ is always left out. 

In this blog, you will learn about the significance of the vedic education system. You will learn about what makes this system stand out. And how it could shape our learning ability today. 


Vedic Education System

A Day in the Life of the Shishyas in Gurukul

Do you know, there were more than 732,000 gurukuls in bharata. You know what was the literacy rate then? Today, it’s 77.7 % whereas, then, it was around 90 %. Subjects like literature, theology, philosophy, medicine and meditation are widely practice

  • In the ancient period, Gurukuls were the primary education institutions. Likewise we go to school today, then students used to go to the teacher’s house. They had to live there until completion of their education. 
  • These were free of external controls. It was the duty of the king to look after them. The king ensured if the scholars or pandits spread their knowledge in gurukuls. 
  • In a gurukul a Shishya gains insights to how to run a family and how to deal with the society. 
  • Values of living a cultured life and discipline were prioritize. 
  • Gurukul education system emphasize on the all round development of students. 
  • The importance of vedas were also prioritize. 
  • Gurukuls had a highly develope system for practical knowledge. There was a highly develop system of medicines where they could do surgery. 


mentor student : A Sacred Bond

The gurukul was not only about learning vedas or hymns. It had a deeper value than which the modern education system lacks. It is; respect to the teacher. 

  • In gurukuls, students have to prove themselves before their mentors. Only after that they were eligible to study in gurukul.
  • Both the teachers and students used to recite at the same place.This creates a good bond between the student and the teacher. 
  • No fees were charged, rather the students paid their respect to their mentors in the form of Dakshina. It was considered as remarks for thankfulness to the teacher. 
  • The mentors were respect next to god. And, the relationship between the mentors and his Shishyas was sacred. 
  • The mentors taught their students using vedas, puranas, upanishads, and other sacred texts for better understanding of life. 
  • It was not about scoring good marks at gurukuls, rather, it was about learning the best. 
  • mentors taught their students practical knowledge helpful even after they complete their education. 
  • Homework was not given to students. Such that students can focus more on learning. 


The Art of Meditation : A Path To Enlightenment

The vedic education system focuses more on teaching about the body and soul connection. Students , through vedic education can learn about connecting deeply with their souls. You can say that they were teach about the path of enlightenment which is not so common today. 

Today, we think about yogis or sages by hearing the term enlightenment. Back then it was something to be teach by teachers. 

Dhyana or meditation was an important subject. Because meditation helps in improving the learning ability and memory. A neurotransmitter or a hormone calls Serotonin is release. It helps regulate moods and makes brain hyperactivity. This results in better focus and sharper memory. 

Back then students were teach to master the art of peace in addition to the art of war. 


Female Education 

Today education has become unequal and unfair. While, the vedic education system was fair and equality among students was majorly prioritize. 

In the vedic education system, females were also highly educate. Their education were characteriz in 2 classes, these are: 

  • Brahmavadini: those who remain unmarried and learn about vedas throughout their life. 
  • Sadyodwahas: those who used to study vedas before marriage. 

However, during the Mahabharata period, Draupadi was also well educate. She was also name Panditaa. 


Key Features of Gurukuls 

Let’s start with knowing the main features of the Vedic learning. These includes: 

  • Shruti:  In Sanskrit, Shruti means “which is heard” or “listening to speech”. Shruti means a refine sound which can only be hear. This means something that’s direct perception, it is faultless and it is the way it is. And this is the dimension of spiritual process and mysticism because it is direct perception, it is not a religion, scriptures, philosophy, ideology. It is just what you grasp. 
  • Smriti: It literally means “what is remembered” or “based on memory”. It is the reflection of the knowledge possessed by the sage in verbal form. Smriti are texts written by Rishis or sages and handed down by tradition. It is the work which has an author and it is produce out of human intellect. Smriti texts are write on the basis of Shruti. 

You can aslo read our blog – Mysteries of Nidhivan – Hidden Truth and Revelation


The Indian education system was much more prominent in the Vedic Era. We had the greatest university of the world, the Nalanda University. It was consider great both geographically and in learning. But it suffered a lot of invasions and was eventually destroy. 

However, university can be destroy but not the values it contains. People from other countries invaded our sacred land. They took all the valuable things which could have been use for the betterment of the society. But they claimed it as theirs and now these valuables are rotting in their labs and museums. 

Due to lack of information, we all believe that European countries have made all the discoveries related to technology, science, and medicine. But the truth is that they were all already mentione in our sacred texts in the vedic period. 

India discovered the aircraft first. The concept was actually mentione in the ancient texts. It was called a “vimana”. But due to a lot of invasions our ideas were steel. We gave the world 0, we gave the world ayurveda. We had cures to a lot of diseases which have no cure yet. 

But, today we all are unaware about the fact that how rich we are. Rich in terms of culture, religion, heritage, and values for life. India was not just quoted as “Sone ki Chidiya”. It meant literally. And now it’s in our hands that how we could save our heritage to vanquish. 

  • Through which language was teaching done in the Vedic education system?

    The medium of language in the Vedic education system was Sanskrit. 

  • How many major vedas are there in the Vedic culture?

    There are 4 main vedas, these are; rigveda, samaveda, yajurveda, and atharvaveda. 

  • Who was the founder of Vedic education system?

    There were two legendary sages Gautama and Jaimini who founded different schools of Indian philosophy.