Nidhivan : A Forest Where Mysteries Recite 

Vrindavan, a part of India where the Yamuna river’s gentle whispers intertwine with the fragrance of devotion. The word “Vrinda” means “Tulsi” and “Van” stands for “forest”. So, Vrindavan is a forest of Tulsi trees. A pilgrimage hub where more than 500,000 pilgrims visit every year. There are around 5,500 temples in Vrindavan dedicated to Lord Krishna and Radha. 

But among these religious shrines lies a mysterious gem known as the Mysteries of Nidhivan. Situated on the holy land of Lord Krishna’s birthplace, this place is well known for various mysterious miracles that happen here. Are you curious to know about these miracles? Do you know why staying inside the premises of Nidhivan is prohibited at night? What happens in the dark which is not allowed to be seen by any of us? Let’s analyze the Mysteries of Nidhivan. 

If you’ve ever visited Vrindavan, you might have visited Nidhivan at least once. A beautiful forest with lush green Tulsi or Basil trees. 

What’s special about the trees?

  • These trees are always seen in pairs, entangled with each other through their trunks.  
  • During the night, these trees transform into Gopis and then Lord Krishna dances with them. 
  • After the evening Aarti, staying inside the premises of Nidhivan is prohibited. Because during this time Lord Krishna and Radha perform Raslila. 
  • The branches of the trees grow in a weird manner. They do not grow upwards, rather they grow downwards and in a tangled way. 

What Exactly is Raslila?

It is always misunderstood by a large population. It can be due to Bollywood’s way of presenting it among the people. But a lot of people do not know about its actual meaning. 

The desire to receive one’s worship or the encounter between God and the devotee which takes place in the form of Raas, that dance is called Raasleela. It’s a pure interaction of the God and their devotee. 


Rang Mahal : Does Lord Krishna Really Come to Nidhivan

  • Rang Mahal is a temple situated inside the premises of the site. In this temple Lord Krishna and Radha spend their time after Raslila. 
  • Raslila is described as a dance. 
  • After sunset, Bhog, Datoon, Paan, Laddus, food, bangles and makeup items are kept for Shri Krishna in Rang Mahal. 
  • When the doors of the temple are opened in the morning, all this stuff is found scattered. 
  • It is said that Lord Krishna himself appears here and uses all these things.


Mysteries of Nidhivan

Mysteries of Nidhivan


What happens if you witness Raslila?

The houses in the neighborhood of Nidhivan do not have a window. If there are any, then these are sealed or blocked by the people living there. So that they can’t witness any scenario or Raslila during the night. They are afraid of the fact that whoever witnesses Raslila at night either loses their consciousness or gets foolish or mad, or sometimes they even die. This is a renowned story about the Mysteries of Nidhivan . 

Also, there are few people who’ve found to be the witnesses of Raslila in a very weird physical and mental condition. Sometimes they even die. This proves that there’s something to be scared about. It is believed that these people lost their consciousness because they witnessed Raslila during the night. 


What is true or What is false?

In ancient times, Nidhivan was quite extensive and dense. But at present, it has shrunk a lot. The causes are: increasing population, pollution, and excessive construction. However, the boundaries of the forest, the walls have always protected it.   

Due to a lot of human intervention during the past few years these beliefs have declined. A lot of people, in the name of research, have claimed that this belief is false. But these revelations have corroded the beliefs of a lot of devotees and tampered with the religious beliefs. 

They have made videos showing that nothing happens if you stay at Nidhivan at night. They tried to prove that this is all just a delusion. 


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Well, this is Kalyuga, the age of Kali, when people are losing their faith in God, when fear of god is disappearing, other communities are questioning Vedic culture, this kind of thing becomes a threat to our religious values. 

No action is taken on these kinds of revelations. But we must stand up and show them that nothing is false. Also, some fake spiritual mentors often misguide us about the facts associated with our culture and religion. Due to this a lot of fingers are starting to point at our culture. 

The truth is, if someone believes in god, they will never demand any proof. But those who do not believe in god always keep asking for scientific proof. They are never satisfied by how many proofs they get. 

We need to understand that God has always guided us on the path of righteousness. Whether our epics like Mahabharata and Ramayana can be proven false, but by understanding the teachings of our God we can improve the quality of our life. We can live a meaningful life. So, despite the debating that “Does god exists or Not” we must apply the teachings of our gods in our lives and show the critics that yes, god exists, and we are privileged to have certain shrines where we can find them. 



  • What is the mystery of Nidhivan?

    After the sun sets, no one is allowed inside the premises of the Nidhivan.

  • Has anyone ever tried to stay in Nidhivan after sunset? 

    A Delhi-based youtuber, Gaurav Sharma trespassed into the Nidhivan during night, while entry was forbidden. 

  • Who built Nidhivan?

    Mentor Haridas, one of the greatest devotees of Lord Krishna actually established the Nidhivan.