Shukra Graha: The Mentor of Asuras Or A symbol Of Beauty

In our previous blog you learned about the planet Jupiter. You learnt its astrological and mythological significance. Let me give you a quick summary. Jupiter is the teacher of Gods in hindu mythology. Moreover, according to vedic astrology, it governs health, wealth, wisdom and prosperity. However, in this blog you’ll know about Shukra Graha or Venus planet. 


Venus a Planet of Love and Arts

As a planet, Venus or Shukra is known for aesthetics and art. All that is artistic in this world is governed by Venus. Whether it is wonderful art or a weird one. Not just arts but Venus is also considered as a planet of love. Although, despite these qualities Venus still has a lot to deliver to  a person’s life. Let’s start by knowing what is its place in Vedic Astrology. 


Astrological Significance of Venus 

Shukra Graha or Venus planet is considered most auspicious in Vedic Astrology. It symbolizes beauty, art, luxury, love, lust, romance, and skills. Astrologers observe its position in a person’s kundali to get insights to profession, work, happiness, prosperity, physical and marital happiness. 

Venus is a factor of material happiness. It is associated with the things of beauty and love. For example it governs your love or married relationships, the way you dress yourself, your love for aesthetics and arts etc. 


Strong and Weak Venus

If you have a strong Venus in your kundali then it will make you gentle, obedient, and cultured. You admire  art, music, poetry, paintings, and dance. Venus is also associated with feminine energy. Due to strong Venus you’ll stay happy and know no sorrow and anger. 

However, if your Venus is weak then you’ll lack beauty, charm, grace, love and affection. You might face disappointment in love. Sometimes it signals the death of your wife. Gross sexual pleasures are also a result of weak Venus.


Shukra Graha’s Mythological Significance   

There are two Mentors among the nine planets and venus is one of them. Venus or Shukra is the Mentor of Asuras or demons. Among the other planets, Venus is called Shukracharya

Shukracharya is the son of Bhrigu( one of the Sapta Rishis). Although he was so wise and knowledgeable, he didn’t get a place in Devaloka or heaven or world of Gods. So, he became the Mentor of asuras.  

He resides in the Patala Loka or underworld or hell. All the asuras are his disciples. He helps them in their battle against Gods who drive him apart. 


Shukra’s Ability to Revive Anyone 

Likewise a very popular game, PUBG, Shukrcaharya also has the ability to bring someone back to life. This ability is known as Mrita Sanjivani Vidya. 

To save asuras in their battle against gods, Shukracharya did penance for Lord Shiva. Pleased by him, Shiva blessed Shukracharya with the Mrita Sanjivani Vidya.  By this technique he can actually bring back the dead. He used this to bring back asuras numerous times. 


Astronomical Significance of Shukra or Venus 

Third in the sequence of the brightest. Venus is very similar to earth yet there are a lot of differences. Here are some of the most wonderful astronomical facts about Venus. Let’’s see what these are. 


A Day Longer Than a Year 

It takes 243 Earth days for Venus to rotate once on its axis. It’’s day is longer than its year, which is only 224 earth days. The sun rises in the west and sets in the east on Venus! 

Hellishly Hot

Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system. This is due to a greenhouse effect caused by its thick, carbon dioxide rich atmosphere. 

Spotless Beauty 

Venus has very few impact holes compared to other rocky planets. Its thick atmosphere protects it from most meteoroids. 

Backward Spinner 

Venus Spins in the opposite direction.

Potential for Life

Scientists are exploring the possibility of life in Venus’s upper clouds where temperatures are Earth-like. According to NASA, in the upper clouds the temperatures vary from 30℃ to 70℃. 

So folks, this is everything you need to know about Shukra Graha. As it has a great significance in mythology and astrology. The presence of this planet in your kundali can sprinkle your life with beauty and love. But to know its presence in your kundli you can contact an astrologer consultant. They are experienced and know how to see a person’s kundli. What if your love for arts, music, and aesthetics is due to a strong Venus! 

You Can also read our Blog – Wearing New Clothes for Good Luck and Fortune


  • What happens if Shukra Grah is weak?

    If Venus is weak in a person’s kundali then it makes them pervert, neglect of domestic life, lack of beauty, grace, love and charm. They don’t love art. 

  • Which Rashis are  ruled by Venus?

    In Vedic astrology, Venus rules Taurus and Libra zodiac signs.