India is a country of diversity, be it the people living here, animals, birds or plants. It is a land with lots of old traditions and habits too. Sometimes, even if we’re part of this culture, we don’t really know why we do certain things. For example, do you know why we touch feet? Do you know that there’s scientific logic? Do you know what’s the scientific logic behind worshiping idols? Well, you’ll be amazed to find out the real reasons behind these practices. Let’s take a closer look at these traditions and discover the reasons why Indian rituals are logical. 


Navratri is a hindu festival celebrated with a great pomp and show. It is celebrated for nine days. Dedicated to worship Goddess Durga and her various forms. It is not just a festival of victory of good over evil but its rituals have certain logic behind it. These are: 

  • Celebrated at two points of seasonal changes. During this period of seasonal change the inner chemistry of humans also changes. 
  • The  immune system gets weaker, thus, making us more vulnerable to infectious diseases. 
  • Observing fast for 9 days is the main Navratri ritual.  
  • It’s the best way to counter this sudden transition. 
  • Although, if you aren’t fasting you still have to eat light (Navratri rituals). Tamasic food is avoided.  
  • This is a smart half yearly detox routine.
  • Doctors also guide us to eat less or fast while suffering from seasonal change infection. 

Worship of Peepal Tree

Never sleep under a peepal tree, you’ll die. Why? Because there are ghosts hanging on its branches. Don’t worry, it’s just a smart way to prevent people from sleeping under it during the night. But why? Read and find it out: 


  • Peepal trees have a dense nature. It exhales extremely high amounts of oxygen in the day and carbon dioxide at night.  
  • There’s an Indian ritual according to which women walk around the tree. 
  • This provides hormonal balance and easy inception of pregnancy due to its dense energy. 
  •  Keeping an idol of god gives them more of a reason to practice it with more will and spirituality. 
  • The Leaves of the peepal tree are used as ear drops. It doesn’t mean that you can stuff the leaves in your ear. 
  • The bark powder is used to treat wounds. 
  • Roots used to treat stomatitis (inflamed or sour mouth). 


Have you ever tried “Tulsi wali Chai”? Well, your mother might have prepared it for you while you were sick. Maybe due to a cold or cough. So, you might be aware about its medicinal properties. Let’s understand others. 


  • Tulsi or Basil is considered as a sacred plant in Indian culture. 
  • People plant Tulsi inside their home and offer prayers everyday. 
  • It is a natural antibiotic and air purifier. 
  • Boosts immunity, enhances longevity, relieves stress and anxiety. 
  • Keeps insects away 

But it is very important to plant it with the correct Vastu. Vastu states that the correct direction to plant tulsi is North or North East. Because this direction is associated with Goddess Laxmi. We all know she’s the goddess of wealth, prosperity, and abundance. 

To know more, you can follow our blog: Vastu Plants For Home 4 Best Indoor Plants For A Positive And Happy Environment

Significance of Shringar 

In India, makeup or we say Shringar in our language, is not just for an aesthetic look. Although it enhances beauty, yet, it still has some religious values related to it. But it doesn’t mean that it lacks logic.

Eyeliner/ Kajal: 

It is a way to apply cooked medicinal herbs such as Amalaki, Haritaki, and Berberry to clean eyes and keep them cool, preventing infections. 

So, the next time you sing a  “Kajrare” song for someone, remember that it has medicinal benefits too. 

Gold Jewellery: 

It is not just a symbol of status, it also regulates body temperature and enhances immunity. 

Bangles, Earrings, Toering, Nosepin: 

piercing and wearing these is an intelligent way of constantly pressing acupressure points which help to regulate the menstrual cycle. Helps maintain hormonal balance. 


Henna has a natural property to provide cooling to the mind and body. This beats stress during wedding days. Because Indian weddings are so hectic due to all the rituals and gatherings. 

Significance of Spiritual Places 

  • Spiritual places are high in positive energy. 
  • Devotees walk barefoot inside the mandir, gurudwara, and mosque as the positive vibes can easily be absorbed  through the feet. 

Shankh is blown during puja

It is because, during past times, there were small villages and towns. So, the sounds of Shankh would echo in the entire area. Thus, those who are busy doing something or unable to go to temple due to some specific reason would stop whatever they were doing for a second and mentally bow down to god. 

Applying Tilak  on Forehead 

  • It serves as a symbol of social identity. 
  • Different communities have different styles of tilak. 
  • It is applied on the spot where the Third Eye Chakra or “Ajna Chakra” is. 
  • Ajna chakra is the seat of all human thoughts and past memories. 
  • Tilak helps conserve the subtle energy and maintains focus.
  • Sandalwood, turmeric, and saffron paste is quite effective if applied on the forehead due to their cooling properties. 
  • This is also a reason why women wear a bindi. 

Why Yagya is performed 

  • It is a sophisticated process used to purify the surroundings during the vedic period. 
  • Ghee lamps and incense create a positive aura in the surroundings. 

Pooja rituals with deeper meanings

If there’s a meaning for every ritual then what is the logic behind the pooja rituals? Well, there’s a lot of scientific logic but our cultural and spiritual beliefs are above any logic. Our love for our Gods can’t be justified through several arguments. But still we need to provide proof, why? Think about it.

Offering coconut to the feet of a deity: 

coconut represents the human head which is hard outside and soft inside. Breaking coconut in front of a deity symbolizes total surrender. We symbolically offer our own head by detaching our ego from the self.  

Use of lotus in Pooja:

The lotus leaf, even though it remains in water, does not get wet. It symbolizes a man of wisdom who is unaffected by sorrow or joy. 

Burning Camphor: 

when camphor burns it leaves behind nothing but a soothing fragrance symbolizing total burning of the ego. It keeps head light and ego low.

Sleep facing North 

  • Earth has a strong magnetic pull towards the poles. 
  • Living in the northern hemisphere if we keep our head towards the north and stay in the same position for 7 to 8 hours then the magnetic pull will put an undue pressure on our brain this may also be the reason why you sometimes wake up lazy even after a long sleep 
  • Sleeping east is best in indian culture or vastu shastra 

Prayer Before meal

Offering prayers before eating is a common ritual. It can be observed in various countries too. Prayer instantly calms down our mind and when we eat with a calm mind we are able to eat food with more awareness leading to better assimilation of nutrients. Also, why Indian Rituals are logical it is a way to express our gratitude towards God to bless us. 

Also you can read our Blog – Garud Puran Katha – represents rules and regulations

Meals should start spicy and end sweet

  • When we eat spicy food it ignites the digestive fire within ensuring proper digestion of the meal. Just like we spice up an argument in our school days by saying, “bhai me nahi sehta itna.”
  • Sweets are associated with feelings of satisfaction. It provides mental fulfillment after having a meal. 

why Indian Rituals are logical, in short, combine tradition and science. They enhance life with significant cultural understanding and scientific significance, from the seasonal adaptation of Navratri to the medicinal components of devotion.


  • What is the scientific reason behind applying Kajal?

    It provides cleansing to the eyes because it is made of numerous herbs. Also it provides a cooling effect to eyes thus preventing irritation. 

  • What is the reason behind applying a Tilak?

    Applying Tilak is a social identification sign. It is applied to the Third Eye or Ajna Chakra at the forehead. It help you stay focused and preserve energy.

  • Is there any logic behind Indian rituals?

    Indian rituals are based on some scientific aspects and passed on from generations to generations as cultural practices.